Ridiculous Regulations – IOTW Report

Ridiculous Regulations

CEI: Coronavirus continued to spread, the Democratic presidential field significantly narrowed, and the former head of the UAW was charged with embezzlement. Meanwhile, agencies issued new final regulations ranging from electrical shock therapy to spiny dogfish specifications. See more

See Also:

Washington’s Latest Attack on Air Conditioning.

Think air conditioning isn’t expensive enough? Then you’ll love a proposed amendment to the Senate energy bill from Sens. John Kennedy (R-LA) and Tom Carper (D-DE) that restricts the refrigerants used in millions of air conditioners on the grounds that they contribute to climate change.

11 Comments on Ridiculous Regulations

  1. Scratch a politician deep enough and the corruption will come oozing out. ALL OF THEM. This government (state and local, too) needs to be burned to the ground and the ashes scattered to the wind.

    Maybe then we can begin anew.

  2. I am an HVAC service person.

    The New refrigerants run at much higher pressures and most now use Aluminum coils rather than copper. The Leak rate of the new SHIT is much higher resulting in more frequent repairs and way more expensive ones.
    The Oil that is used with the new refrigerants are much more toxic than what was used with the old FREON-22 and much worse for the environment.

    The new systems do use less hydro.


    When you consider that the new systems break down more often, the back and forth fuel consumption of technicians, the toxicity of the oils and the increased dangers of running at 550PSIG vs 275 Psig pressure it is a significant overall loss.

    If Copper coils had a leak you could easily repair it with a simple brazed weld. The customer paid labour, refrigerant, and $20 for welding. Aprox $400-600

    The aluminum is much harder to “weld” as it melts in the 400to500 deg range. Now you pay for Labour, travel to get a new coil, the coil, the welding, and the refrigerant. Aprox $800 to $1200.

    Copper was much higher and the welding stick resulted in a stronger weld than the actual copper.

    The less harmful refrigerant, leaking much more often is an overall wash.

    The new SHIT is worse for the environment!

  3. @ Kcir (embarrased to be from Toronto)

    The new shit is patented, while the patent for Freon-22 has expired. That’s my conspiracy theory for the ozone hole anyway. True or not? You decide!

  4. The “environment” and “climate change” bullshit have nothing to do with anything.
    Lame excuses to enable the nihilistic Neo-Luddites to destroy America and control every aspect of life. Can you imagine living in a High-Rise without AC? An AC guy once told me that heating wasn’t the issue with large buildings, but cooling – between all the lights and the bodies and computers, &c. I don’t know if he was full of shit or not (never done the math) but it makes a certain amount of sense.
    These fucking maggots can’t stop meddling in things that, not only don’t concern them, but don’t concern the FedGov, and that THEY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT!
    Someone should ask Sens. Kennedy and Carper (live on TV) to explain the reverse Carnot cycle and how the proposed regulations will make it more efficient and discuss the MTBF of the various expansion coils – AND the relative merits of expansion valve/capillary tube.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The Toilet Paper Capitol of America, Green Bay, Wisconsin thanks you for your hysteria and hoarding.

    We will make more TP.

    Disclaimer: No trees were killed for the making of this endorsement or TP.

  6. Bureaucrats have to keep making new regulations to justify their positions and continue their existence.

    That’s how Bureaucracies never die, they just change their names occasionally and usually expand in the process.

  7. @Tim:

    Larger buildings create a lot of internal heat excatly as your AC Guy said. There are way to many types of systems to get into detail:

    In large closed loop heat pump buildings, for example,you can have the North Exposure heat pumps putting heat into the tenant spaces and Pumping the “Cold” into the water loop.

    On the South side, The heat pumps would provide cooling to the tenant spaces and reject the heat to the water loop.
    The water loop has Boilers and COOLING TOWERS to keep the loop temp within an ideal range so that the system can work. The boilers are sized smaller than a direct boiler loop would be.

    In mid seasons the system can be quite balanced up here in T.O. but the further south you go the smaller the boiler load gets and the more the cooling tower load increases.

    In the old days a heat pump reversing valves would FAIL into heating mode for cold climates and Fail into Cooling Mode for the southern hotter climates. (Reversing valve energize modes)

  8. As a Freon tech I have a hard time believing that ozone hole BS. Freon is heavier than air and doesn’t mix well with air (like oil and water)- every time you test for leaks you get proof of this – you must probe under the suspect area. Also, since it’s a gas that burns, it must be subject to slow oxidation. So why would we expect it be in the stratosphere?

    And then there’s the fact ozone is created by sunlight, so naturally there’s going to be less after a 6 month night over the poles. Also ozone being 3 oxygens bound together (rather than the normal 2), there must be a charge on it due to the fact that 2 fills up the valence of the molecule – and in a magnetic field a charged molecule is going to either be pushed away or pulled toward the poles.

    And then there’s the Dupont patent expiration thing. Back when R22 was outlawed, freon recharge went from a cheap (25$) at the car dealer (10$) for diy service to an expensive upgrade to existing systems costing hundreds. Congress must have gotten rich off that scam.

    And it proved that most people are unwilling to think and use what they learned in high school science – thus leading to the much larger AGW scam we face now.


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