Ridiculous: Wray’s FBI ‘Investigating’ Hunter Biden’s emails looking for ‘Russian misinformation’ – IOTW Report

Ridiculous: Wray’s FBI ‘Investigating’ Hunter Biden’s emails looking for ‘Russian misinformation’

RedState: As RedState has been covering extensively, Hunter Biden’s emails have laid out more evidence of influence peddling and corruption among Joe Biden and his son. Former denials have been blown up as it appears certain that the former VP was well aware of what his son was doing. The latest email drop even asserts that Joe Biden was getting monetary kickbacks. To say this is a big scandal is an understatement, regardless of whether the media want to cover it or not.

Meanwhile, another part of this was that the FBI has supposedly had this information since last year. Now, we know they are investigating, but it’s for the most ridiculous, yet predictable reason you could imagine.

Instead of looking into whether laws were broken by the corruption of Joe and Hunter Biden, the FBI is hot on the case of whether the emails are “Russian misinformation.” more here

22 Comments on Ridiculous: Wray’s FBI ‘Investigating’ Hunter Biden’s emails looking for ‘Russian misinformation’

  1. Let me get this straight, CorruptJoe has been for sale to foreign governments, including Russia – for decades, and the FBI expects the American public to believe that Russia wants Biteme to lose and Trump to win?

    I don’t know who is more stupid, the deep state or it’s democrat voters.

  2. Every institution in DC has been drawing from the same poisoned well for decades to staff and fill their ranks. EVERY ONE. Our colleges are leftest cesspools and the most prized degrees are handed out by Ivy League schools. Toe the line and they are virtually tickets to the cushy lifestyle. When you see pictures of FBI agents taking a knee, man you know you’ve got problems.

    And for the bureaucracies, they’re little more than make work for millions of low intellect workers drawn from the poisoned well of public education. Do you think all of these recent postal stories are exceptions? Multiply that by a million, that’s your federal government.

    And those people don’t go away, they “retire” to be replaced by even more radicalized zombies.

    The USS Titanic has long passed that teacher’s unions’ iceberg and has a 100 foot gash below the waterline. You think our fathers and uncles would have allowed 100+ days of wanton lawlessness in Portland?

    The filth and treason is pouring in below decks and has been for decades. Scumbags like Clinton and Obama don’t get elected without substantial rot in the body politic.

    And don’t get me started about the trillions in fairy dust money that apparently is now just taken as fact. There’s going to be a gigantic reset and a river of blood. There simply is no other way.

  3. Let me guess. While finding no direct evidence of Russian misinformation, the FIB will be unable to positively rule out Russian influence, leaving open the allegation that the laptop is tainted and therefore unreliable as a source of valid information.

    Whew! That was a close one.

  4. Look I am still of the mind set that a vast majority of the FBI does fantastic impartial enforcement investigations. However, it is clear at some point in the chain from investigations to actual DOJ indictments, there is a Politically / Elitist protecting element that needs to be filtered out.

  5. I’m a “fish rots from the head” kind of guy and the FBI is nothing but a fly covered carcass on the bank of a swamp.

    Watch the Richard Jewell movie for a quick reminder.

    Always wrong never in doubt.

  6. After the Bubba Wallace debacle that took 15 agents to investigate https://iotwreport.com/ridiculous-the-fbi-is-investigating-hunter-bidens-emails-looking-for-russian-misinformation/
    I have come to the conclusion that the FBI is just another political arm of the elite in politics. All agents will do what they are told.
    Time to shut them down and start over with patriotic Americans that understand the Constitution of the U.S. and adhere to it.
    Wray is a POS and I think Barr has betrayed our country.

  7. The other 99% are there to follow orders and keep quiet until retirement, just like 99% of every blue/white collar slob I’ve ever worked with. The difference is that my blue/white collar slob friends aren’t brain washed into thinking they’re better than you.

    Cut the head(s) off of that snake, NOW.

  8. You’re wrong Nobody. The rank and file of the FBI is just as rotten as management. You can find several dozen images of large groups of agents bending a knee to this communist blm scum.

    If in fact it was just a small percentage of bad apples, then why have I never seen one of the good ones pipe the fuck up?

    Another fact is that once the left got into the HR and personal departments of institutions like the FBI, anyone, ANYONE with the wrong ideology was screened out. The few that made it are definitely doing their careers on the down low.

    Weissmann had 50! FBI operatives working for him when he was running the Mueller investigation. Not one has ever given up just what the hell they were doing.

  9. Director Wray’s distinguished career as a Swampy Deep Stater has been exposed by his failure to investigate the contents of Humper’s hard drives. Unless Wray can prove that he was not aware of Humper’s gift, then he needs to explain his personal meddling in this election. This is Deep State Collusion! Is it even possible that a few FBI agents concealed this treasure trove of corruption from their senior department heads?


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