KFI: The days appear to be numbered for America’s largest jail, once described as “the worst place on Earth,” WPIX reports.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Friday that Rikers Island jail will be closed. “It will take many years,” CNN quotes de Blasio as saying. “But it will happen.” Last year, the jail at Rikers Island was home to more than 10,000 inmates—most of them awaiting trial and not convicted of a crime. That same year, there were nearly 12,000 instances of violence there.
According to the New York Times, Rikers has a “history of brutal violence” by both inmates and corrections officers. In one of the most notorious cases, a 16-year-old was held at Rikers for three years—800 of those days in solitary confinement—while subjected to horrific abuse. He eventually killed himself. MORE
Jail is supposed to be a place you try to avoid.
“It will take many years”
That’s Lib speak for it’s not closing.
Please don’t believe The New York Times. Those prisoners are treated well. The Correction Officers are treated like shit.
I’ll let it go at that.
Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Penitentiary, root word: Penance.
They’ve got tons of illegals held there waiting deportation.
I remember another ass hole promising GITMO would close. How did that work out?
“Anonymous” or who ever the hell you are regarding, “Shoot them all”: please refrain from your public display of being an indisputable idiot. You give all anonymous posters a negative perception to those who are not, anonymous.
The problem with places such as Rikers Island is that simply being held there is a severe penalty, and among the many imprisoned there before trial are those who will turn out to be innocent of the crime they’re accused of.
There should be no penalty until there’s a conviction and a sentencing. The Fifth Amendment of the Bill of Rights says, among other things, “No person shall be…deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law…”
He wants to close the prison before he can
be put in it.
Let the real truth out.
If probable constitutional, then the holding of one’s person is appropriate and valid within the 5th while absent sentencing.
BigGun, nice to hear a voice of reason. Lot’s of incarcerated people have gone on to great things. Tim Allen comes to mind.
Bad_Brad, yes. I’ve observed that ‘bad’ people ‘may’ continue to make bad ‘mistakes,’ in many instances. What we could call, deliberate decisions.
Some folks are basically good folks that make, ‘bad decisions.’
A huge difference between the two and yet, what our system when working within the confines of the constitution, will ferret out correctly.
Good people go to prison sometimes. When they get out they become gooder.
Bad people go the prison all the time and when they get out they are badder.
Rehabilitation is a sociologists pipe dream. It’s what keep them employer.
It’s what keeps them employed.
Is it wrong to fantasize about Obama and Hillary being prosecuted in NY?
True, but being thrown into a violent environment where you’re likely to get corn-holed, beaten frequently, or murdered while awaiting trial is what is flat out wrong.
Uncle Al, doesn’t sound like your visit went so well.
Uncle Al. You are spot on. But don’t you think that the thought of being corn-holed, beaten, stabbed, even murder4ed “while awaiting trial,” would keep these stupid, low IQ’d, ill educated, vicious, baby killing, mother beating, muggers, robbers, arsonists, rapists, drug dealing, murdering motherfuckers from committing these acts?
Not so. On Riker’s Island these scum get three squares a day, and snacks in between; they have pool rooms, television, and weight rooms. They roam in gangs. They practice on how to be better criminals when their case is eventually dismissed. They …. Oh forfucksakegimmeafuckingbreak!
Big gun and Bad Brad wisetofuckup! We are being shit on by progressives.
“Voice of reason”? Pog mo Irish Theoin! Have a chat with a Corrections Officer anywhere.
Moe Tom, so you think it should be shut down? It’s unjust to the criminal element? That’s what you just said.
Anonymous: “Shoot them. Shoot them all” Easily said. But you’ll just run away again like the coward you are. GFY!
NO Brad, that’s not what I said. I’m pointing out the reality of the situation we have in this country today. BTW Are you a democrat?
If it closes, it will be becausev of some real estate deal that will enriches the mayor and his cronies
I don’t want it shut down Tommy, you do. Who’s the Libtard?
even steven. Oh my goodness. From “Casablanca” “Is there gambling going on in here”? Hee. hee. It could be a beautiful Island, with trees and golf courses. A wonderful gated community with million dollar homes. You’re a bad man steven, to have such a thought.
Tommy, so you still think Rikers should be shut down? Or we should just shoot them all?
I think that the reason most prisons are contradictory hell holes is because of goverment interference and abuse of power in the court system.
As for whether or not the prison should be shut down, I say no. It needs to be cleaned out, get rid of all management, replace them, crack down on the inmates who rape and murder the others, actually.. I dunno.. try to give a damn about your jobs?
[also, pay prison guards more if they show promise, i.e do their jobs correctly and uphold justice.] That MIGHT help things.
Even Steven…. I believe you are right on the money! I worked there twenty years and I can tell you in private hands it could be some of the most valuable real estate in the world. waterfront property, 5 minutes from LGA perfect view of manhattan skyline, all it need to build multi million dollar condo’s is a bridge to the Bronx and a few boating docks,
Penitentiary systems work only when there’s the most dire of consequences for not reforming. When that was removed, long ago, the current horror began. Since it’s never coming back, the system is irrepairable.
“shoot them…shoot them all…” is a quote from a movie
Looks like a jobs bill to me. A way to pay off the unions, connected architects, builders, vendors, bureaucrats. IF funding is approved, watch for costs to triple or quadruple, time lines stretched WAY out there. Right Jerry Brown?