RINO Adam Kinzinger gets a primary challenger, Jack Lombardi – IOTW Report

RINO Adam Kinzinger gets a primary challenger, Jack Lombardi

NOQ Report:

I don’t know Jack Lombardi. And that’s a good thing. I know he lives in the greater Chicago area and is CEO of Meet Positives. I will hopefully get to talk to him soon enough after reaching out, but his intention to run a primary campaign against NeverTrump RINO Congressman Adam Kinzinger for the IL-16 seat in 2022 is enough to spark my interest.

Based on the thousands of retweets and likes on his announcement, it’s clear he’s already getting some traction from conservatives who are sick of duplicitous America-Last Republicans like Kinzinger. We desperately need more people like Lombardi to step to the plate. I’ve always contended that the only way we can truly fix this nation is if we replace the career politicians with people who have lived their lives in the private sector. And when they’ve been in for long enough, they should be replaced as well. more

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