Rioters attack CNN camera crew for recording them destroying a Wendy’s – IOTW Report

Rioters attack CNN camera crew for recording them destroying a Wendy’s

Blaze: A CNN reporter and her camera crew were attacked late Saturday as they covered escalating protests in Atlanta after police shot and killed Rayshard Brooks in a Wendy’s parking lot.

CNN correspondent Natasha Chen and her camera crew were videoing protesters as they broke windows and set fire to the Wendy’s where Brooks was gunned down by police on Friday night. But the rioters apparently did not want their criminal actions to be caught on video.

Video shows protesters attack the camera crew. According to Chen, the rioters eventually broke CNN’s camera. more

28 Comments on Rioters attack CNN camera crew for recording them destroying a Wendy’s

  1. They destroyed the camera because the recordings could be used as evidence in court. Please understand that these aren’t moral, principled people struggling against injustice. They’re people who love bloody flaming chaos–a left-wing version of the Purge, if you will.

  2. Wolf: and they broke your camera, which is also very disturbing.

    But the attack on Wendy’s, burn baby burn. Makes for good footage. CNN is not above using their reporter’s in the field as bait.

  3. “…the rioters eventually broke CNN’s camera. ”

    …so, SOME good came of it…

    “Let us remember that a traitor may betray himself and do good that he does not intend. It can be so, sometimes. ”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Two Towers”

    …stop, police, don’t throw CNN reporters into dat briar patch ober dere…

  4. Blacks pointed out that it was a white girl starting the fire. And the attack on the CNN cameraman did not occur until he showed a white guy in a mask; then all hell broke loose on him. BLM sets the pins up and antifa knocks’em down.

  5. I read somewhere where an antifa chick set the fire. And then I also read it was a couple of black guys, whether with her or not- I don’t know. But I know for sure they are all there to riot and burn shit down.

  6. …I don’t know about Atlanta, but up here it’s not that uncommon for heroin addicts to OD in ANY situation, sometimes even while driving a car with their children it it. They get high pretty much when they want to get high, and with today’s Chinese Fentanyl laced product, this often puts them out where they sit, even in a running car, so if I saw a guy passed out in a drivethru lane, I’d suspect that as well as alcohol. It’s a pretty unsafe thing because you don’t know if he’s not breathing, if his car’s in gear and just his sleeping/dead foot loosely on the brake is the only thing restraining it, if he’s gonna wake up in a fugue and go all Deathrace 2000 on everyone, or WHAT he’s capable of. Also, it’s YOUR property held out to public accomodations, and that gives you responsibilities for everyone ON it, even the idiot in the car.

    This is why you can’t just “let it go”, you HAVE to take some action, at least to secure the vehicle and make sure the driver isn’t dead.

    Going over to the car and shaking the guy isn’t a great option, though. You may startle him and off to the races he goes, or he kicks your ass for bothering him and pulling him down off his high. This guy threw two trained police officers around like ragdolls, YOU want some of that? Reaching in to turn his car off isn’t a great idea either as several dead police officers could tell you if they hadn’t already been dragged to their deaths. Sending an employee to do the job YOU don’t wanna do and that you haven’t trained them for is a DANDY way to get sued when HE gets HIS ass kicked.

    So really, the ONLY option the Wendy’s had was to call the Police to deal with the mess.

    And to their credit, they did a WONDERFUL job of getting guy out of the way, out of the car, and neutralizing the threat to the Wendy’s and the other drive-thru customers. It only went South when dude chose to fight the police, take a weapon from one, and USE it. I’ve seen the video, the guy ACIVATES THE TASER, it was a RIGHTEOUS shoot that will cause more riots later when the cop is cleared, but that’s neither here nor there.

    Point is, the WENDY’S had nothing to do with ANYTHING other than being where the drunk guy passed out. Burning it down isn’t justice for ANYBODY, it’s just an expansion of the food desert for no reason that they’ll complain about later…

    (Side note: I was always taught NOT to point things at the Police or they’d SHOOT me, and I was a WHITE kid. Seems that was a GOOD lesson as this fellow demostrated as he’d still be alive if HIS momma had taught him the EXACT SAME THING…

  7. I wonder what would happen if it became a national trend for honest citizens to print and post signs stating:
    “Rioters, Looters And Arsonists Will Be Shot” throughout their neighborhoods and cities.

  8. clayusmcret
    JUNE 15, 2020 AT 10:56 AM
    “Blacks pointed out that it was a white girl starting the fire.”

    …probably the coal-burning girlfriend/baby momma of one or more of them, not a difficult thing to find in the ‘hood AT ALL, and always eager to earn street cred to try to fit in to the community they gave children to but will NEVER be accepted by…

  9. Not “a white girl” or “two black men.”

    Quit going with their race narrative.

    They are not a race they are human beings. We are all human beings, not a race. I am a human being, not a race.

    Those peolple are all rioters and looters and they are sacking America. The person or persons who are the arsonists are terrorists. BLM and Antifa are all terrorists conducting a campaign of terror.

    Don’t go with their race narrative in any way shape or form. They are a lynch mob and they are lynching America.

  10. So the Fire Department’s excuse was they couldn’t get there because the arsonists, looters, and rioters blocked their way…..

    Why didn’t they turn the water on and spray them into submission…..?

    No peace……NO QUARTER.

  11. @ Kevin R. JUNE 15, 2020 AT 11:19 AM

    “ They are not a race they are human beings.”

    I beg to differ, they are sub human pieces of shit. My late mother used to chastise me for saying that. She would say: They are God’s children and Created in the image of God. Don’t say things like that.

    I thought it over and came to the conclusion that I can recognize that they were created in the image of God, yet they have of their own free will taken what God created and turned it into a sub human piece of shit.

  12. Ed357 JUNE 15, 2020 AT 11:35 AM
    “So the Fire Department’s excuse was they couldn’t get there because the arsonists, looters, and rioters blocked their way…..

    Why didn’t they turn the water on and spray them into submission…..?”

    …even if you set aside that this would be political and actual suicide, fire trucks are NOT designed as antipersonnel devices and can NOT “run and gun”.

    A fire pump runs from the same engine that moves the truck from a PTO, or Power Take Off. The way this typically works is that it disengages from the transmission for the road wheels in favour of the fire pump, as these are NOT things you’re supposed to be doing simultaneously. So you’d have to STOP the truck, get OUT, go to the midship pump, engage the PTO and Tank to Pump, then activate the deck gun on rioters (can’t pull hose because you have to pull ALL the hose), spray rioters, pack up without getting killed, change modes, drive to the foreground, take a hydrant, then start on the actual fire while surrounded by wet, pissed-off rioters that you put your undefended backs to.

    Oh, by the way, a fire truck carries between 500 and 2000 gallons of water in urban departments. A defensive line like a deck gun on the LOW end, by ITSELF, flows 250 GPM. So, best case, IF you go through everything above and somehow don’t get killed in the process, you’ve got 4 minutes MAX on your SINGLE line, than the Indians are all over you, PLUS you’re out of water for actual FIREFIGHTING.

    …when Democrats like Bull Conner did this in the ’50s, the protesters were few and ACTUALLY peaceful AND the firefighters/idiots defended by POLICE with GUNS.

    It’s NOT the same thing, and it was stupid even THEN. That was 70 years ago, and we STILL hear about it TODAY. All THIS would do is get FDs NATIONWIDE killed for NO BENEFIT AT ALL.

    This is not a viable idea. It will NOT work and would be stupid to TRY, plus it’s unnecessary.

    Not having the police ability to deal with it is NOT the issue.

    Democrats standing in the way and their lapdog Pravda media IS.

  13. Do I have this right? Rioting and burning businesses in protest, & defense of a drunk, that was endangered the public, fighting with and threatening police officers with a weapon.

    Then they think that after that kind of behavior people will see them as peaceful citizens, and shouldn’t be leery of them or suspicious that at any moment they might riot again? Strange logic.

  14. JDHasty, as far as I’m concerned they are all human scum.

    But my point in saying we are all human beings and not a race is that their race narrative destroys people’s means of seeing these people for what they are. They are not representatives of anything. We are all human beings, not tribes divided up by race. We are all human beings, not races.

    Blow up their racist narrative.

    They are nothing but a lynch mob terrorizing and lynching America. They are human scum.

  15. Ed357 JUNE 15, 2020 AT 11:35 AM
    “So the Fire Department’s excuse was they couldn’t get there because the arsonists, looters, and rioters blocked their way…..

    Why didn’t they turn the water on and spray them into submission…..?”

    …also, more simply, if the Democrat government isn’t going to support it’s POLICE in controlling riots, what would make you think they’d support their FIREFIGHTERS?

    …backstabbers Democrats are, backstabbers all…

  16. Every Ring camera is recording for the police. Without a warrant. You don’t see Antifa smashing those. You don’t see Antifa burning those.

    Let’s be honest: Everybody just hates CNN.


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