Riots Forced Police Chiefs to Resign -Daniel Prude Update – IOTW Report

Riots Forced Police Chiefs to Resign -Daniel Prude Update

Prude was found naked and asking for a gun.

5 Comments on Riots Forced Police Chiefs to Resign -Daniel Prude Update

  1. The Complicit Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media in this country is working overtime to lie their collective asses off and smother the Truth! Welcome to the New Communism of deceit and disinformation where the Politically Correct Commissars of Containment have constructed a sick, twisted thought-control framework mantra that none of us on our own is as dumb as all of us combined!

  2. And Shitley Warren was on TV saying if you didn’t see anything wrong with what the officers were doing there’s something wrong with you. No, Moron Warren, there’s something wrong with you. Warren is unfit for her office. She’s the hateful racist in this picture.

  3. And don’t forget he was high on PCP. I’m confident most everyone here already knew that but I still figured it was worth repeating.
    Oh yeah, and he said he had COVID-19, in March when the full-blown PANIC was just kicking in, thus the spit bag over his head.
    Oh oh yeah, and he was naked, in the snow, in March (most likely with temperatures in the twenties).
    Oh oh oh yeah, and had been in the mental ward at the hospital earlier in the day for potential harm to himself.
    Oh oh oh oh yeah, he also had told the officers he was going to kill them.


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