Rising percentage of federal arrests are for immigration violations – IOTW Report

Rising percentage of federal arrests are for immigration violations

Spero: According to a report by the Pew Research Center, data provided by the Bureau of Justice Statistics shows that 50 percent of the 165,265 arrests made by the federal government in 2014 were for offenses related to immigration. In 2004, that figure was 28 percent.
While a higher share of arrests for immigration crimes is being made by federal agencies than ever before, the number of drug and firearms arrests continues to fall.
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3 Comments on Rising percentage of federal arrests are for immigration violations

  1. Why are these guys in jail at all? If they get tagged on an immigration warrant, get them before a special Judge to plead their “case” and unless there are exigent circumstances boot them from the country immediately. Any effects, property, cars etc will be disposed of and the proceeds sent to him or her.

  2. For the life of me I just cannot understand how we possibly can be $20T in debt. I was assured that immigrants make us rich (that’s from Dubya). We never are going to take the huge KICK ME sign off our butt, it appears.

  3. Farmers in calif are claiming there will be nobody to pick crops this year. There are millions of illegals here which just proves they’re not coming here to do the work American’s won’t do. They’re here for the freebies.

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