Rittenhouse Prosecutor Thomas Binger Has Swung and Missed Before at Charging Armed Self-Defense – IOTW Report

Rittenhouse Prosecutor Thomas Binger Has Swung and Missed Before at Charging Armed Self-Defense

The Daily Mail UK reported that the case was deliberately thrown into Binger’s lap because Kenosha County District Attorney Mike Graveley knew it was a weak case and he didn’t want the stain on his rock star record. STORY

14 Comments on Rittenhouse Prosecutor Thomas Binger Has Swung and Missed Before at Charging Armed Self-Defense

  1. “The Daily Mail UK reported that the case was deliberately thrown into Binger’s lap because Kenosha County District Attorney Mike Graveley knew it was a weak case and he didn’t want the stain on his rock star record.”

    That makes no sense to me because the district attorney WILL have the stain on his record. He is the ultimate decision maker as to whether or not a case goes to trial based on the evidence presented to him.

  2. I wondered if the DA had a strange sense of humor, or if he was scraping the bottom of the barrel.
    Looks like both, with some hubris thrown in.
    “The rest of the story.” – Paul Harvey

  3. Kyle Rittenhouse being found Innocent means that if a violent mob sees someone they don’t like, they have to leave him alone.

    Rittenhouse being found guilty would mean that if you can’t outrun a violent mob, you’re legally obliged to let them kiII you!

  4. @LocoBlancoSaltine November 17, 2021 at 2:32 am

    > If they reward these fucks Kenosha SHOULD burn!

    Did we all miss the not fake news reports of the prosecutors’ entire team doing this case pro bono? The judge? And staff? The police? The janitors? The kids collecting pennies in school, to refund the building utility fees?

    They’ve already BEEN rewarded. They’re just waiting to see the size of their xmas bonuses.

  5. The prosecutors didn’t need to be competent in this trial. Although, they may have failed to convince the jury thorough evidence and argument, they can rely on fear, intimidation and the mob to persuade the jury of Rittenhouse’s guilt.

    My guess is that Rittenhouse will be convicted, and sentenced to 15 years w/o parole. Just a guess.

  6. “Rittenhouse being found guilty would mean that if you can’t outrun a violent mob, you’re legally obliged to let them kiII you!”

    Run this logic in real time and you realize you MUST take out as many as you can. Might as well if you’re going to get reamed no matter what.

    They are creating a self-fulfilling problem.

    This is what happens when society forgets God and makes up their own rules.

  7. “This is what happens when society forgets God and makes up their own rules.” Dadof4

    Amen. My go-so scripture about this: Romans 1:28 “Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.”

    When God gives up on someone, they are left to whatever mush is in their brains. No moral compass, no guiding commandments to point to the truth and a void ready for Satan to occupy (if he hasn’t already). Just hate and evil that fills in where God should be.


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