Rittenhouse trial: Detectives confirm perps fired at Kyle – IOTW Report

Rittenhouse trial: Detectives confirm perps fired at Kyle

They need to cut Kyle loose with a medal and some, “Sorry about the misunderstanding” money.
Story here

8 Comments on Rittenhouse trial: Detectives confirm perps fired at Kyle

  1. Try the “mutual combatant” defense, Kyle. It’s no more absurd than the charges against you.

    “Chicago gang members released without charges after deadly shootout — in part because they were ‘mutual combatants’ who willingly fought each other. Chicago gang members involved in a deadly shooting Friday were released from custody without charges — one of them being first-degree murder — in part because the five arrestees were “mutual combatants” and willingly fought with each other…”

  2. The Democrats are all in on railroading Kyle and their alacrity at fixing/manipulating/rigging public trials to produce the “right” outcome is matched only by their election rigging.

    It is not finished until the gavel falls with a “Not Guilty”.

  3. Let’s see:

    $450,000 x 10 = about 4.5 Million for being separated from his Family & Friends illegally [don’t know where I got the original $450,000 number from 😉 ]

    Plus another 10 Million for damage to his reputation.

    And 10 million for having his rights violated… (videos being delayed etc.)


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