Rival Campaigns Say Sanders Is Planning to ‘Declare Victory’ in Iowa Before Results are In – IOTW Report

Rival Campaigns Say Sanders Is Planning to ‘Declare Victory’ in Iowa Before Results are In

PJ Media: Democratic presidential campaigns in Iowa are sounding the alarm that the Bernie Sanders campaign may be planning the spin campaign of all spin campaigns: claiming victory before the results are fully tabulated.

They will be able to do this because of the way that the Iowa Democratic Party has set up the reporting of caucus results. Instead of one result, they will announce three separate outcomes.


The problem is that there will be three results coming in after Iowa voters gather on the evening of Monday, February 3.

One will be for something called “state delegate equivalents” — this is the number previously used to determine the winner of the Iowa Democratic caucuses, something I’ll explain more in a bit. But the Iowa Democratic Party will also be tallying and reporting two other sets of numbers: how many actual people voted for each candidate in a given caucus — first an initial tally, then a final tally taken after lower-performing candidates are eliminated.

AP and other major news outlets say they will declare a winner of the caucuses based on who won the most delegates. But that number won’t be announced until after the other two results are released.

You can see the opportunities for spinning the results. Which results? Whichever makes the candidate appear to be the winner. read more

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