Just The News — Riverside County’s Republican Sheriff Chad Bianco on Monday announced he was entering the race to succeed term limited California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, in 2026.
Bianco, a tough-on-crime candidate, was a staunch supporter of President Donald Trump last year, and has been highly critical of Newsom and his allies when it comes to crime and punishment.
He also played a major role in getting California’s Proposition 36 passed last year, which mandates longer sentences and harsher penalties on certain drug and theft crimes, like possession of a hard drug, which can be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony depending on the person’s criminal background.
Bianco made the announcement in Riverside, California, which is located approximately 50 miles Southeast of Los Angeles. more here
I like the guy, but he’s no match for Rick Grenell. Grenell could MCGA. He should have waited to see if Grenell through his hat into the ring.
I talked to a guy this morning who is a Republican establishment sycophant and true believer, or maybe he just likes getting corked in the ass by them over and over and then complaining about it. He is very well connected and they are panicking over rumors of suburban areas and rural counties are either already in office or are credible candidates planning to run on a DOGE Washington State platform.
He’s my sheriff and I’d like to keep him as sheriff.
There are a lot of local rumblings in support of his candidacy, but I agree with Bad_Brad, Ric Grenell would be awesome!!
I saw a Dem poll the other day, it basically said Harris was a lock (if she wants it) with Katie Porter coming in second, 40 plus points behind.
I know Brad seems to think California is ripe to go red next election, I am dubious. It would be great if it happened and I will do my part, but I see too many libs unable to think for themselves and a voting apparatus rife with fraud.
Sure, Ric would be super, but he would run into what Arnold found, an intransigent dem-run state legislature that would give him nothing.
When communists control the counting, communists take the offices. California is the mother communist state to Washington the daughter (tranny of course) communist state. The communists have run Washington since Wyman perfected the fraud machine with all mail in ‘voting’. -There have been no statewide republican office holders elected since.-
Tic ‘Grenell is a switch hitter!
I think the only way this works is if Trump implements a whole lot of voter reform. It’s our only hope. You’re right Rich, no matter who we elect as Gov still needs to try and get some massive reform. And that won’t happen unless we clean that damn state senate out. However with the fire, how far the state is in debt, etc, the timings right. The only place I run into liberals is at my gym. I live in a very conservative county. I don’t know what it’s like in your guys areas but I’m seeing liberals really soften on Trump. To the point that they’re actually supporting him. What did the trick is DOGE. Now all of a sudden their eyes are opening. I dunno. Like I say it’s good timing.
Yes, this is anecdotal, but Megyn Kelly seems to think Brad is right;
She makes some great points. Especially about accountability. The amazing thing, to me at least, is they still try and cash in individually on the crisis. Just look at who Karen Bass is hand contracts out to. These people are no better than street thugs.