RNC Chair McDaniel calls out Biden for energy comments: ‘He’s lying to the American people’ – IOTW Report

RNC Chair McDaniel calls out Biden for energy comments: ‘He’s lying to the American people’


Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel accused Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden of “lying to the American people” regarding his energy policies, specifically regarding fracking and the oil industry.

Biden raised eyebrows during last week’s presidential debate when he said he would “transition” away from oil, then claimed during a series of interviews with local Pennsylvania news outlets that he is not planning any drastic measures.

“Joe Biden is saying whatever it takes and he’s lying to the American people,” McDaniel told “Fox News Sunday,” pointing to Biden’s inconsistent messaging when it comes to fracking.

Biden has regularly said that he only intends on banning new fracking on federal lands, but during a 2019 Democratic primary debate, he said “we would make sure it’s eliminated and no more subsidies for … any fossil fuel.”

“When he’s in Pennsylvania he’s for fracking,” McDaniel said. “When he’s outside of Pennsylvania he’s against fracking.”

McDaniel claimed that Biden was intentionally equivocating on issues, including his stance on court packing.

“Everything that Joe Biden is running on is ‘how do I be not transparent to the American people, how do I hide in my basement, how do I prevent the people of this country from actually knowing how I’m going to govern?” more

8 Comments on RNC Chair McDaniel calls out Biden for energy comments: ‘He’s lying to the American people’

  1. When I asked a lib what Biden meant by subsidies to the oil industry he said federal gas taxes for roads are a federal subsidy. So I said – You mean Biden’s plan is to end federal gas taxes? Crickets.

    Have fun with democrats.

  2. “Biden has regularly said that he only intends on banning new fracking on federal lands …. ”

    Fracking is of the finishing operations that complete a well to make it productive, it is not an ongoing thing that continues happening as long as the well is there (like pumping would be). The operation generally takes 3 days to maybe a week at most to accomplish and then it is over.

    So banning “new” fracking on Federal lands means banning fracking on them period. And banning fracking on new wells. the process that makes them feasible and producing wells, means banning drilling since there would be no sense in drilling a hole that can’t be used to extract oil.

    I would like to see Biden asked if he actually knows what fracking is and why it is and has to be done, if he can explain it in enough detail to show he knows it isn’t just a political buzz word of some kind that he thinks his audience will respond to.

    I would be highly surprised if he could answer, knowledgeably or intelligently, or would even try to without changing the subject instead.

    FWIW, I’m an oiler from way, way back and would know if he knew what he was talking about or was just bloviating nonsense for political purposes.

  3. That “Rino-lite” woman someone speaks of is a big part of Trumps campaigning and winning in Michigan last election. I think shes a Rock Star for the RNC considering she has to work with lots of elected Rinos.


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