RNC Convention: “Land of Greatness” – IOTW Report

RNC Convention: “Land of Greatness”

Conservative Treehouse: The Republican National Committee holds the fourth and final night the 2020 convention in Charlotte, North Carolina.  [RNC Convention Website Here]  For evening #4 the theme is “Land of Greatness.” President Trump will deliver his nomination acceptance speech. Follow the convention via a series of links to multiple media resources.


I’m watching on Live From Studio 6B –

88 Comments on RNC Convention: “Land of Greatness”

  1. It’s looking more and more likely that Biden is going to turn pussy and back out of the debates. Pelosi is now telling him to not debate Trump.

    Tonight Trump needs to make it personal, he needs to look in the camera and challenge him man to man, couching the challenge with the declaration that if he backs out, he is a coward and not worthy of the office he is running for.

  2. From L Lin Wood

    Donations for defense of Kyle Rittenhouse should be made to #FightBack Foundation, Inc., a Texas 501(c)(4) Foundation. Please be wary of any other efforts to raise money for Kyle’s defense.

    Website for #FightBack Foundation will be online within 6-12 hours for donations & info.

  3. Dana is ‘locked & loaded’ … on fire!

    “… this pandemic has shown how important it is who you vote for as your mayor, your governor, your representatives & your president” …. BINGO!

  4. @MJA ~ agreed. where I live, we don’t have mayors, but county councils. a couple are ex-d’rats who switched party’s because they couldn’t get elected as d’rats.
    don’t trust those rats as far as I could throw them.

  5. Ann Dorn is really grabbing me … her pain is so real

    “… they do not save our black lives, they only destroy them’

    emotionally heart-rendering … may the Lord heal your pain

  6. RSBN — Right Side Broadcast — has been our feed of choice this week. Only one real hickup last night, but it was at the end of the program and no one was speaking.

  7. very powerful moment when Marsha Mueller grabbed her husband’s hand for support.
    you could tell she was really trying to hold it together throughout the speech.

    thank you both for being on-board for PDT

  8. We live in a land of greatness being looted from within by a scummy ruling class and its street army of shit.

    Greatness won’t last while we’re being eaten alive from within. We have to exterminate the vermin.

  9. I heard Rudy showed up?

    My man.

    “Bad speaker” or not. He is a recovering stutterer btw or other speech impediment.

    I could give a SHIT about well spoken people, we had that crap.

  10. Molon, you’re right, he does, and he should. I don’t trust Jared, still not sure of Ivanka, but I’m suspicious of her. She seems more liberal than my liking. In 2016 I liked the heck out of her.

  11. From what I’ve read Jared was hugely instrumental in the historic peace agreement between Israel and the EAE. Yeah, they are both more left then I would like but they loyally do his bidding. Ivanka has been a terrific asset, photogenic, articulate and oh how the left hate her. Just imagining the lemon sucking faces over at CNN right now, I suspect they are all drinking heavily.

  12. @joe6 ~ Kushner & Ivanka are nothing w/out PDT … that’s were all their power derives from. when PDT goes, so do they.

    relax … Kushner’s not going to create a Judean Kingdom in the USA

  13. @Rich Taylor – your image there reminds me of Jerry West, btw, just had to get that in…I’ll move on now. Great branding! Is that a raquette you are holding? Sorry to be obtuse…

    Everyone relax on Jared and Ivanka! The left HATES them. GOT IT?

    They are loyal to a father and he is loyal to them let NO ONE get in between.

    Listening to the POTUS’ speech right now on the radio, feed on the John Batchelor Show, 770AM.

  14. ghost, yes it is a tennis racquet, been playing all my life, still do.

    Trump is on fire but still waiting for that personal challenge to Joe, gotta smoke him out of his basement.

  15. I learned a lot about the Kushners from Doug Wead’s biography of POTUS Trump. There have been too many rampant rumors and too many otherwise smart people willing to believe that Jared, especially, has some sort of special thrall or ability to act independently from the president without the president’s knowledge. If these ideas about Jared or Ivanka weren’t so serious, they’d be pretty funny, given how deeply involved this president is in the details of everything. It’s not even likely Trump blunted the rules vis nepotism.

    Joe, I guess we’re finding ourselves on opposite sides of this, my friend. I’d love for you to read Wead’s chaper on the Kushners.

  16. “Joe gave them hugs….and kisses”…then he winks to the crowd….LOLOL…

    99th, you beat me to it, but you forgot the wink….LOLOLOL…and his comedic timing!…LOLOL…

  17. ‘China would rather have Biden as President…..I heard that somewhere”…..*BIFF, BANG, POW*….Pelosi gets here dentures rattled and remained unknown…sort of….LOLOL….

  18. @ghost — When I said that Rudi is a “terrible speaker” I wasn’t talking about him not being “well-spoken”. I don’t think I’m that shallow! Not about politics, anyway. LOL!

    I was remembering his frequent appearances on FNC and his nearly unhinged speaking style. He was so hyped up, loud to the point of being shrill and rapidly losing his appeal as “America’s Mayor”. He was in an unique position to advocate for the president, but he was blowing it and starting to act like a charicature of himself. It was a big turnoff to me.

    His comments tonight were greatly moderated and came across as sincerely felt; not the overamped emotion that sounded like a defense attoryney pounding the table in closing arguments and going to lunch with the prosecutor afterwards.

  19. I want Rudy on my ship, in rough waters, and WE are in VERY rough waters right now. He is a cannon.

    He is LOYAL to the DONALD and that is ALL that fucking counts.

    Maybe this is a NYC thing?? Queens, Brooklyn and the BRONX.

    And I don’t give a shit whether people remember the mayor of America or not at a VERY tough time.

  20. “we are taking our business out of China … “

    do you know how much that rocks their world? … it’s earth-shaking

    … just ask LeBron … the slave-labor entrepreneur

  21. @Abigail Adams- per your last paragraph? Rudy was a prosecutor against the MOB, his OWN peeps he talks about this all the time.

    He was NOT a defense attorney pounding his fist on a table.

    As a prosecutor? Yep. Under Ronald Reagan.


    Let the confetti fly?!?!? Woooo hooo!

  22. @ghost — It was an analogy, not literal. I know who Guiliani is. I hope I’m still allowed to have my own opinion about his speaking style and not have it indict me for high crimes and misdemeanors. You seem to be trying hard to find me guilty of something, here.

  23. Americans build their (country’s) future. They don’t tear down their past. -Awesome!

    Wow, The White House, South lawn and fireworks – perfect settimg perfect acceptance speech by President Trump, MAGA again!

  24. It’s one thing for us Trumpsters to think this was a great convention, but what I would be interested in is how many disgruntled democrats and undecideds were watching. Do you think their minds might be changed?

  25. What a classy ending, to four wonderful nights of great speeches. 🇺🇸

    Thank you President Trump we won’t ever forget what you have accomplished for our great country. We Love You! 🕊️❤️🙏

  26. Aaannnd there goes Chris Wallace, making everyone’s pant leg wet, while saying, Look it’s raining. Well, with Theone, and Donna Bzhrill, and Karl R. in the lower panes. So long FNC.

  27. Dramatic opera singing in the Covid age?

    Nothing soothes the soul more.

    Really great.

    Let’s rock this vote.

    I intend to spend the next few weeks at the local gun store registering voters.

    Get involved my fellow iotwers.

  28. @joe6 ~ point well taken … don’t think that many d’rats were watching … a bit more indy’s

    & if they were listening, I think some were moved to PDT’s side

    … enough? … we’ll see

    tomorrow & beyond, the talking heads & the ‘pull-quotes’ will tell

    face it, if you are going w/ Pedo Joe & the Ho, after this, you are too stupid or evil to be trusted w/ voting

  29. @Abigail Adams – please, let’s talk! Yeah, you are ONLY guilty of not liking the guy.. And? THAT’s OKAY! Fine!

    I guess I am just defensive of a guy that rebuilt NYC after a disaster of crazy proportions??

    Oh well! This makes me Regional for Rudy.

  30. WOW! This was incredible. And there remains no doubt as to which party is asking, beseeching Gods Blessing on Us.

    i can see the hordes of hell coming against this great President now. Keep him in your prayers, daily.

  31. The fireworks display was nothing short of amazing. Especially with the Washington Monument as a great big F-you to Nancy and Joe. C-Span showed the whole after party uninterrupted by talking heads.


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