RNC Convention “Land of Heroes” – IOTW Report

RNC Convention “Land of Heroes”


The Republican National Committee kicks-off the third night of the 2020 convention in Charlotte, North Carolina.  [RNC Convention Website Here]  For evening #3 the theme is “Land of Heroes.” Speakers include: Vice-President Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence. You can follow the convention via a series of links to multiple media resources.
Links at Conservative Treehouse

What I’m watching: Live From Studio 6B

40 Comments on RNC Convention “Land of Heroes”

  1. I know that tomorrow the assinine DeMedia will be attacking the RNC for ‘using’ the handicapped like Cawthorn & Chen

    but, under Socialist policies these people would eventually be eliminated …. they’re already doing it to the unborn …. they wouldn’t blink an eye for these folk either …. or any of us

    God bless PDT …. God bless the USA

  2. @Rich Taylor – apologies missed your comment, after having re-visited the Black Hills, and visiting CWW, man is it really nice out there. Regardless of actual current leadership, although she IS great.

    Not sure where you are but for us the snowfall amount would be DOUBLE but from what I understand the snow does not LINGER there like it does where we are from, way Lower NY. When and if it falls heavy and cold after…whereas THERE the WIND blows the snow away! Gone in a few days I was told.

    @MJA – your punch by punch analysis is like Howard Cosell.

  3. Does anyone know if that Chinese gentleman is blind. I had the distinct impression that he’s blind because he was wearing sunglasses and it looked he was reading braille notes with his fingers. He gave a powerful speech as did the Catholic nun speaking on behalf of the unborn. And that 25 yr. old congressional candidate that was injured in a car accident when he was 18 was very impressive as well. From What I’ve watched so far over the past 3 nights I believe that we are winning the reelection of President Trump with his message of hope and American exceptionalism.

  4. how does everyone else think about Pence?

    he’s a nice guy. loves his wife & kids. but, he seems a bit …. bland. hope he catches fire tonight

    pound that podium, Mike!

  5. Molon — I think if he hangs out with The Donald for 4 more years, he’ll be cured of his political Stockholm syndrome.

    He’s gotten a lot better just in the past 3 years. He was so incredibly wooden, I couldn’t imagine how he had a career in radio.

  6. Pence is not our friend. If you recall, he was placed there by the deep state. In addition, his wife, Karen was handed one of the envelopes at the HW Bush funeral along with the Obamas, the Bushes, the Clintons and others. Pence was also the one who said Flynn lied to him when Flynn did not lie.

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