RNC Donates $250,000 to Gavin Newsom Recall Effort – IOTW Report

RNC Donates $250,000 to Gavin Newsom Recall Effort

California Globe –

On Thursday, the Republican National Committee (RNC) announced that it would be giving $250,000 towards the recall effort against Governor Gavin Newsom.

The quarter-million dollar investment marks the first time that the national party has given money to the recall push, coming in roughly one month before the signature deadline on March 10th.

The RNC chose to give the funds following weeks of record-setting signature gathering,  the recall organizations passing the milestone of 1.5 million signatures, and prominent Democrats such as President Joe Biden formally coming out against Newsom’s recall. In a statement on Thursday, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel noted that Governor Newsom had overreached his authority as Governor and mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic in California, necessitating his removal from office.

“Gov. Newsom’s authoritarian measures, blatant overreach and complete mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic have proven that he is woefully unqualified to lead the state of California,” explained Chairwoman McDaniel.  “It is time the people use their constitutional recourse to remove him from power.” more

23 Comments on RNC Donates $250,000 to Gavin Newsom Recall Effort

  1. For $250,000 couldn’t they just pay some mexican, or FBI agent, to shoot him?

    The mexican won’t go to jail and the FBI is pretty astute at running black ops – Las Vegas, Capitol “riot,” probably the school shootings.

    Just an idea …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Behold the genius behind this strategeric GOPe ‘investment’.

    They expect to throw this in your face when they go back to beggaring for donations because ‘those democrats are challenging us and you have to give generously so we can stay in power to represent you’.

    You call me when you recall Liz Cheney !

  3. 250K for a petition, 15 minutes after they get the last signature needed. What cunts! In the meantime, when there’s a legit Conservative candidate running against a socialist dem, the RNC looks the other away and sends nobody to help them. The RNC is party central. As in cocktail party central.

  4. Recall Yertle the Traitorous Turtle and you’re on the right track.

    President Trump was elected TWICE by the majority of legitimate votes NATIONWIDE, but he was stymied constantly by two traitors to the nation: Nancy Pelosy and McConnell. And Ryan and Boehner before him—YOU OWN THEM, GOP!

  5. The recall needs at least 400,000 signatures than the minimum, according to past efforts and statistical analysis. The Democrat machine here, Sacramento, is gearing up for a massive attack on the signatures.
    The RNC’s donation will allow the final push for the additional signature to take place.
    I am no fan, not even close of the RNC, but I’ll take their money.

  6. Brad- Yeah, the GOA (and one other) and Judicial Watch do all the heavy lifting. The NRA gave money and endorsed Harry Reid time after time.
    ‘He’s a powerful dem and he kept gun control off the table.’ BULL SHIT.
    While he was in orifice, they were trying to sneak in control bills for 0bama.

  7. This is nothing more than an ad campaign dressed in sheep’s clothing to sucker in more donations due to the downward spiral of lost revenue. I’m anxiously awaiting my donation request.

  8. MJA

    If DJT’s plan is to be a King maker, and fix shit behind the scenes maybe he can fix the NRA. The sad truth is they have the infrastructure in place to do more good than any one else. They’ve been invaded by grifters.

  9. Hey RNC, get out of our sandbox!
    We the People of California did this, without your help, so go fix YOUR problems, to wit:
    Richard Burr of North Carolina
    Susan Collins of Maine
    Bill Cassidy of Louisiana
    Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
    Mitt Romney of Utah
    Ben Sasse of Nebraska
    Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania

  10. like i said in another post …
    it’s long past time to start the recall proceedings for the entire corrupt political class
    don’t wait for the next stolen election
    throw them all out now

  11. Extirpates February 14, 2021 at 1:21 pm

    Now that all the heavy lifting has been done, shove your money up your r soles.

    1,000 thumbs up. You’re right, we have spent the past year in the hot sun, fires, wind, rain, nothing held back the dedicated people to get Newsom fired. *UCK YOU Repugs, you’re nothing to me.

  12. Rona romney inspires nothing. But, no surprise the swamp GOP picks milquetoasts like her to be its public face – they’re only interested in smaller wins, to keep scummy hacks like mcconnell on the chicomm graveytrain.

  13. People fleeing the state, bungled Covid, billions in debt under one party rule, lawless cities where felons are committing hate crimes in broad daylight….sure. $250k after a recall is all but assured.

    These fags do not even try.

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