RNC dumps NBC – IOTW Report

RNC dumps NBC

WaTimes: The Republican National Committee announced Monday that the Super Tuesday debate will be stripped from NBC News and given to CNN.

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The RNC already had suspended ties with NBC News over bias in the handling of an earlier candidate forum by CNBC, but the status of the Feb. 25 debate in Houston had remained in limbo.

In a statement Monday afternoon, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus said the party “has decided to move forward without NBC’s participation [and] … has awarded the debate to CNN, who will broadcast it … in Houston at a location to be decided.”  MORE

8 Comments on RNC dumps NBC

  1. So, how about CBS, where the head of the news division is brothers with one of 0bama’s Head Apparatchiks? You know, the cat who fired Cheryl Atkisson, who challenged the Benghazi YouTube video lie.

    No conflict there, huh…?

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