RNC Joins the Legal Fight Against Georgia, Files Lawsuit Alleging Violations of Election, Demands Fixes – IOTW Report

RNC Joins the Legal Fight Against Georgia, Files Lawsuit Alleging Violations of Election, Demands Fixes


One of the things that has concerned voters about the upcoming Georgia run-offs is a very simple question.

If there were all kinds of questionable actions going on in Georgia during this past election, how can we guarantee that the upcoming run-offs will be safe? It’s a great point.

The Republican National Committee is not letting it go by. They want answers to what happened in the last election and they want to make sure the upcoming election is secure.

The law suit demands poll watchers have access and that rules governing drop boxes ensure the security of the boxes. read more

6 Comments on RNC Joins the Legal Fight Against Georgia, Files Lawsuit Alleging Violations of Election, Demands Fixes

  1. I am not so sure they are sincere and not just playing for the cameras. They haven’t shown two cents worth of concern about what everyone who has taken the time to watch has witnessed. The Republican establishment cannot be trusted, they don’t have it in them to stand on principal.


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