RNC Jumps Back into Alabama Race Behind Judge Roy Moore – IOTW Report

RNC Jumps Back into Alabama Race Behind Judge Roy Moore

Word of caution. Never let the RNC go anywhere near your back.

Breitbart: MOBILE, Alabama — The Republican National Committee (RNC) is now again backing Judge Roy Moore, the GOP nominee for the U.S. Senate in Alabama. The RNC’s decision to now publicly support Moore again comes in the wake of President Donald Trump’s wholehearted endorsement of Moore on Monday morning.

“We stand with the president,” a senior RNC official told Breitbart News.

The RNC notified the RNC members from Alabama on Monday afternoon that the national party would resume financial support to back the state party in its efforts to elect Moore to the U.S. Senate. At this time, since this development is fresh, it remains unclear exactly what that means, but sources close to RNC leadership told Breitbart News that it would become apparent in the coming days.  read more

13 Comments on RNC Jumps Back into Alabama Race Behind Judge Roy Moore

  1. What backstabbing trick is coming this time? I saw allegations of local voter fraud there already.

    I think they’ll sink the election on that and bitch mcConnel will just smile on the side.

  2. If I were Judge Moore I’d drop the “I may become a little more independent in my politics” thoughts.

    After being back stabbed, thrown under the bus, and told even if he won he was done… then to come back and sheepishly re-endorse? What a–holes these clowns are.

  3. I hate to be a republican poll worker on the phone trying to get money out of people, they are sure going to get an ear full.
    Yeah, we got your back as soon as we can’t destroy you. Sheesh


    That is the only SAFE way RINOs would support him, if he is not elected to office, then they have deniable plausibility,

    “Hey, I am a true Republican, I supported my team (even though we know he was going to lose).”

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