RNC Kicks Off With Patriotic Message Of Hope And Optimism In Stark Contrast With DNC’s Pandemic Nightmare – IOTW Report

RNC Kicks Off With Patriotic Message Of Hope And Optimism In Stark Contrast With DNC’s Pandemic Nightmare

The Federalist: Republicans kicked off their virtual convention Monday night with a video montage previewing their message for the week, celebrating the American spirit and its ability to overcome adversity in the face of deep divisions. This was a sharp contrast from last week’s Democratic events blaming President Donald Trump for every tragic death from the novel Wuhan coronavirus.

The short video shown featured a narrator speaking poetically of this country’s values serving as a beacon of freedom and perseverance. It was a testament to American exceptionalism as a nation where all lives matter. watch

4 Comments on RNC Kicks Off With Patriotic Message Of Hope And Optimism In Stark Contrast With DNC’s Pandemic Nightmare

  1. Night & Day difference.

    A Cuban business man gave the most emotional speech about how His father told him America was the ONLY place he could go to escape Communism.

    Best content of the night. I sincerely recommend that you watch it.

  2. I watched it tonight on the fox News Channel, there is a night and day difference. Last week the democraps were all about doom and gloom and America sucks while the GOP is focusing on how great we are as a nation and how blessed we are as a people of One nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. I believe that President Trump will still win the election in a historic landslide of epic proportions because of the difference of vision between the 2 parties. The democraps offer only pessimism and doom and gloom while the GOP offer hope and blessing for all people regardless of who or what they are. May God continue to bless us as a nation because the democraps and their ilk sure as hell won’t.

  3. DNC – gloom and doom, all negative, Americans are bad, destroy America to rebuild “A kinder, gentler ”

    RNC – positive, uplifting, “peace + prosperity”! Americans are good

    The 2 have absolutely nothing in common – not even all the GWB folk at the DNC


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