RNC Sues Google Over Alleged Censorship of Campaign Emails – IOTW Report

RNC Sues Google Over Alleged Censorship of Campaign Emails


The Republican National Committee filed a federal lawsuit against Google for allegedly routing nearly all of their campaign emails to Gmail users’ spam folders. 

The Republican group filed the lawsuit on Friday in California’s Eastern District U.S. Court, alleging that Google is violating several California laws regarding political discrimination, unlawful business practices and economic interference.

The RNC has been tracking Gmail inbox delivery for 10 months and found that at key periods at the end of every single month, Google has brought inbox delivery from 90-100% down to 0%, the group stated.

The RNC filed a federal complaint earlier this year after a non-partisan study revealed that Republican emails were routed to Gmail spam folders about 820% more frequently than similar Democrat emails during the U.S. elections in 2020, yet Yahoo and Microsoft Outlook did not. more

6 Comments on RNC Sues Google Over Alleged Censorship of Campaign Emails

  1. Leftist VIRTUE SIGNALING! Were the RNC serious and honest(which they clearly are not!) they would have expelled the “Bush Republicans” voting to override Don’s Sec 230 veto. Conservatives said the “Bush Republicans” wanted to have happen what has happened the ;conservatives told the truth!
    Bush Republicans were Democrats 22 years ago. Will be Democrats in ’24!

    Ronna is, and always has been, a “Bush Republican”!
    This is all for show! nothing will happen! NOISE


  2. I’m getting inundated with emails from Herschel Walker and the GOP (and Trump). It has to be over 10 a day now. They all go into spam. But-I tagged them as that.

    I’ll send money if I want to send money. I don’t like their begging and the fear triggered urgency. The GOP has a war chest. Use it properly. My bottom line is affected by Biden’s economy. Charity begins at home.

  3. While Google is clearly an evil tyrannical company that I truly despise, the number of emails the Republican Party sends out is ASTRONOMICAL, so I kind of side with Google here. But I do NOT use Gmail.
    I am so so glad I created a separate email for those times I made political donations. You make one donation to the RNC or to WinRed and you’ll be inundated with emails for the rest of your life. I literally receive hundreds of pleas for money every day.

  4. Like the democrat party, Google has long-since been an arm of discrimination and segregation advocates, especially conning and manipukating blacks, browns, and ethnic groups. Their searches went out the window long ago and has transformed into a surveillance system and org, also having thrown in with phake pharma and US pentagon. The search bravedotcom is advised to be used.


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