Road Trip – IOTW Report

Road Trip

18 Comments on Road Trip

  1. “…the United States and Canada does not…?” What kind of grammar is that?

    And you can’t have gridlock on a limited access highway — there is no grid to be locked. I wish people would quit using “gridlock” as a synonym for “traffic jam.”

  2. I nominate the state highway that I have to enter into with a left turn each morning – especially in the dark, when raining – as one of the most dangerous roads to navigate. You have to make a judgement call, and hope that it was the right call.

  3. Different Tim, I was in SF in ’76. Lombard St. was cool, but Filbert St. nearly made me crawl out of the car before it went over the edge … and I was driving! The cop car ahead of us totally upended and disappeared as it went over the edge. I don’t remember if anyone was behind me, but I crawled at 2mph until I could actually see the bottom of the hill!

  4. That was great and right up my ‘alley’.

    I would like to add the following domestic roads here in the great USA:

    Kancamancus Highway in northern New Hampshire
    Go to the Sun Highway in Montana’s Glacier National Park
    US Route 1 through the Keys of Florida
    The FDR Drive and the West Side Drive in Manhattan (with NO traffic…)
    The drive along the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon then to Astoria
    Anything through the Smokies
    The Hana Highway in Maui
    The Olympic Peninsula
    The Taconic Parkway in New York
    The Natchez Trace Parkway in Missouri

    I LOVE civil engineering and OPEN road driving, per the vid we were on Route 66 briefly going through SPringfield, Ill.

    The Cabot Trail at the beginning is one that I have ALWAYS wanted to do…and will.

    And regarding the Champs de Whateva? The Nazees marched through that arch so if I went there, that’s what I would think, so I am NOT going there! It’s too easy to conquer…anyway.

  5. I’ve been on the Natchez Trace but it’s been a couple of decades. At one roadside park there was a section of the original trace we could see in the woods that was a deep foot path so well-trod nothing much grew on it.

    I recall “alligator alley” in FLA. and it was a big disappointment–no scenery and no alligators, only a gas station half way. Completely flat and nothing there


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