Robbing Wendy’s With An Alligator – IOTW Report

Robbing Wendy’s With An Alligator

Robbing Wendy’s with an Alligator isn’t a great idea, especially if you don’t have a back up plan.

18 Comments on Robbing Wendy’s With An Alligator

  1. nothing sez ‘nothing better to offer to any situation other than someone else’s cartoons permanently stained into my body’ better than tats … look at me! … I got this shit all over me! look at me! … yeah, lepers got shit all over them too … what’s your point?

    piercings are a mild second (pardon me, you need some gauze to staunch that oozing? … metal detectors must be a bitch, huh?)

    … the more tats … the more the force-multiplier

  2. I adore Shayne Smith’s comedy. We have watched several of his standup performances on youtube. One of his shows, You Will Immediately Regret Your Neck Tattoo, (38+ mins) explains with humor how and when he made those choices for tattoos. I find him genuine and sincerely loving what he does and I totally crack up over his style.

    Regarding tattoos, as with any externally noticeable differences people may have, I always prefer what I can see on the outside, as opposed to the truly ugly people hide beneath their skins. Now, that kind of stuff once exposed, really scares me.

  3. The more they try to be unique the more they seem the same. Tattoo’s are no longer edgy they’re mundane and boring.
    And this clown has decided to put them on his face too…..what an imbecile.


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