This is what news and information is supposed to be all about. Excellent segment on Tucker Carlson {Direct Rumble Link Here}.

In this interview, former Michael Cohen lawyer, Robert Costello, deconstructs the entire premise of the key witness Alvin Bragg is using to target President Trump. Costello states in the interview that he just delivered two hours of grand jury testimony in Manhattan specifically against the interests of the prosecution Alvin Bragg is attempting to construct.
Michael Cohen previously waived attorney-client privilege with Robert Costello, during his effort to get out of legal trouble during his federal case. This waiver permits Robert Costello to discuss the entire background of his former representation with Michael Cohen. This is epic television. WATCH:
Calvin Fagg has a Twitter page worth meme bombing. Just sayin’ troops!
Surprise Surprise Surprise
Inconvenient truth matters not to this fat bastard ignorant coon.
He sees this as his meal ticket to higher office.
He will burn all bridges to get there.
I just hope someone Harvey Milk’s his ass along the way…
Gomer Pie?
Someone’s pretending to know American culture.
TommyH’s ^ first lie and reason to ignore the rest of Tommy’s bullshit:
Robert Costello has a document signed by Michael Cohen releasing him from CLIENT-ATTORNEY CONFIDENTIALITY.
Politically correct, Affirmative Action benefactor, Alvin Bragg, does not have the integrity, wisdom, or maturity to handle the power he has.
Hey, Abbott!