Robert F. Kennedy Junior: ‘NYT defamed, then censored me’ – IOTW Report

Robert F. Kennedy Junior: ‘NYT defamed, then censored me’

Sharyl Attkisson: Vaccine safety and children’s advocate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. says he is under coordinated attack once again in the news media.

On December 30, the New York Times published an opinion article written by Kennedy’s niece, Dr. Kerry Meltzer. Meltzer accuses Kennedy of spreading “vaccine disinformation.”

Kennedy says that although the opinion contained factual errors and defamatory accusations, the Times refused to publish his rebuttal.

The following is an excerpt of the article written in response by Robert F. Kennedy, Junior.

New York Times Declines My Rebuttal to Defamatory Op-Ed on COVID Vaccines.

On Saturday, my niece published an error-filled and defamatory article about me on the Times editorial page. I immediately submitted the thoroughly sourced letter below.

Yesterday, the Times let me know that they would decline to print my reply.

Orwellian censorship and the gaslighting of dissent in service to the interests of Big Pharma has more recently become universal in the liberal print and online news sites once presumed to be the antidote to corporate subversion of democracy.

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