Robert Kennedy Jr. Changes Story 3 Times in 24 Hours on Why He Wouldn’t Speak to Moms for Liberty – IOTW Report

Robert Kennedy Jr. Changes Story 3 Times in 24 Hours on Why He Wouldn’t Speak to Moms for Liberty

Daily Signal-

Moms for Liberty, a group that advocates for parental rights in education, announced on June 20 that Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would be speaking at its annual Joyful Warriors Summit in Philadelphia. One week later, the Kennedy campaign released a statement announcing that Kennedy’s “schedule changed” and that he could “no longer speak at the summit.”

In the span of just 24 hours, Kennedy and his campaign would give three different reasons for his abandoning the conference—all of which seem blatantly dishonest.

On June 27, Kennedy’s campaign team informed media outlets that he had to turn down the event due to “schedule changes” and “family reasons.” At a News Nation town hall that evening, Kennedy told the crowd that he had no knowledge that the event was scheduled, blaming the scheduling on a female staffer.

After an audience member challenged that answer as irresponsible, Kennedy changed his answer to suggest he canceled his engagement after learning that Moms for Liberty was against “gay marriage.” 

Notably, Kennedy muttered and stuttered through his town hall answers on the subject while he was fairly concise and articulate through the rest of the event. more

26 Comments on Robert Kennedy Jr. Changes Story 3 Times in 24 Hours on Why He Wouldn’t Speak to Moms for Liberty

  1. What I find interesting about RFK is that he has some good across-the-aisle ideas but, because of the shaky voice, he’s a tough read on sincerity, honesty, commitment.

    He’s using that “liability” as an asset.

  2. The handful of things I like about Bobby June remain the same handful. I’ve already filled one, and am close to filling a second Hefty contractor bag with all the things I don’t like about him.

  3. Uncle Al
    Couldn’t agree more. But the question I keep asking myself is, if Trump can stay alive and out of solitary in Rikers, what VP pick would garner him the most votes. Don’t give a rats ass about RFK. Is he the guy? Probably not. Maybe. I read earlier “All Kennedy’s are a piece of shit”. I actually can agree with that, however, the positions JFK ran on would be considered ultra conservative today. He wouldn’t have a chance on that platform.
    Sooner or later we all need to start thinking.

  4. I wish RFK would have not imploded so soon. The De-Rats need to be forced to have some sort of primary. This coronation of the most compromised, corrupt and controllable puppets needs to stop. Kennedy had the best chance and he blew it. Environmentalist wacko lawyer… That didn’t take long.

  5. luvnthebigsites

    Exactly and here’s why. If this guy posed a serious threat to the coup they would need to invoke the big cheat during the Dem Primaries. The more exposure to these assholes the better. He still has a big following. And Tulsi Gabbard is now America’s number one Patriot. Fun times.

  6. Another Limbaugh “operation chaos” where we flip party registration at the state level to keep dem candidates alive is still a good idea… If they had any candidates
    that were not brainwashed lawyers…


  7. LuvntheBIGsites
    I own a manufacturing biz that caters to the Feds. Wife says a couple months back, “we should register as Dems”. Hmm, that’s not a bad idea. Couldn’t do it, I re registered as independent, she did re registered as a Dem. How many more are out there like us? Sorry, I like my house. LOL

  8. He is the best of the worst, Tulsi Gabbard aside. And he’s a democrat, so he can never fully cross the isle. But then, most swiney repubicans are on the other side of the isle.

  9. ” Tulsi Gabbard aside”

    Bitch is ready to go to war. ON OUR SIDE!!!!!. If you don’t follow her, you have no idea. That anti gun Democrat is now shooting three gun challenges. Just an example. However, shes still not cuddling up to MAGA. She has said 2020 was stolen. Sooner or later she needs to realize her and MAGA are all on the same page. I would encourage anybody to research her new revelations.

  10. I don’t think Kennedy Jr. is a leftist.
    Or a socialist.
    Or a communist.

    He’s an amoral piece of shit with no allegiances other than to himself and his money.
    A typical rich opportunistic prick like his Uncle Ted who used negro set-asides to buy buildings in DC on the cheap.

    And for those who claim you can’t trust a Kennedy? You CAN trust a Kennedy – to be a self-serving asshole 100% of the time.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Kennedy’s campaign web site tells the story.
    Expand welfare and the whole liberal wish list.
    Just because he’s made great points on vaccines doesn’t make him an ally.
    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  12. I said it before and will say it again. You cannot trust any democrat. Even those who pretend to be moderate or say something you may agree with or like.
    In the words of the great late Rush Limbaugh “You cannot work with the democrats, they have have to be defeated”, and I fully agree.
    It is really puzzling how some Conservatives like RFK and others like Joe Manchin.


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