Robert Kennedy’s Granddaughter Sounds Like An Awful Person – IOTW Report

Robert Kennedy’s Granddaughter Sounds Like An Awful Person


Robert Kennedy’s granddaughter Caroline recently found herself under arrest, and it doesn’t sound like she handled it very well.

Caroline and her father Matthew were taken into custody by Cape Cod police after a freak out during a police stop for a noise complaint.

From the Washington Examiner:

As officers entered the residence Kennedy reacted by “screaming incoherently and throwing himself at a wall” as well as smashing a wall cabinet full of glass items, the police report said. He continued to resist arrest as party-goers yelled at law enforcement, “you don’t know who you’re messing with,” and, “He was a district attorney.”

Outside the home, Caroline Kennedy, 22, Matthew’s daughter attempted to open the door of a police cruiser as party-goers began encircling the officers on scene.

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34 Comments on Robert Kennedy’s Granddaughter Sounds Like An Awful Person

  1. @FDR, yep, crazy is fun.
    Never let them know where you live.
    Are there any Kennedy scions unscathed by the obviously bad personal lives of their relatives?
    “I was born a rich bootleggers son.” apologies to Steve

  2. Just another weekend in Hyannisport.
    When I lived on Cape Cod starry eyed tourists would come into our watering hole and ask for directions to the Kennedy compound. Standard response from the old timers? Just follow the trail of beer bottles.

  3. Robert’s widow Ethel had at least one DUI that I know of. I knew one of her attendants who told me that she insisted on having two Hershey bars placed on her bed each night. She would feed them to her dogs. Chocolate is terrible for dogs. I hate her just for that.

  4. 💔 NOISE COMPLAINT LEADS TO 2 DISORDERLY CONDUCT 💔…on your own property.

    When police arrived they found beer cans littering nearby streets and “loud music and loud voices”

    OH NO! People speaking loudly! That’s gotta be a crime!

    Caroline Kennedy, 22 refused a breathalyzer test.

    Someone over the age of 21 drunk in their own home!? Clutch the Pearls!

    As officers entered the residence Kennedy reacted by “screaming incoherently and throwing himself at a wall.”

    DON’T OPEN THE DAMN DOOR! It’s your home, you don’t need to invite them in, and they can’t force their way in. Durrrrrr!

    This is not the first time the Kennedy’s have drawn complaints from their Hyannisport neighbors. In 2011, officials responded to complaints of boat trailers, pickup trucks, wheelbarrows, and other items in the yard of Matthew Kennedy’s rental property, according to the Cape Cod Times.

    OH MY GOD! Wheelbarrows in your own lawn? On your own property?! What is this, Bangladesh? I’m getting whoozy….

    OVER-SENSITIVE NEIGHBORS is the real crime here. It was THE WEEKENED!, not Monday evening. People have fun on weekends you know.

    As much as I despise the Kennedy’s, I’m beginning to hate the police-state even more. How about, “We have a noise complaint, keep it down or we’ll come back and issue a noise citation. Ok, thanks for your cooperation.”

  5. Oh we know who and what you are, honey.

    You don’t have to be a rich, elite, legacy bitch, but it pays for the bail bondsman and attorneys.

    Life is a party for the Kennedys surrounded by closest wanna-be hangers on.

  6. And some people wonder why some people drink? It’s the Kennedy’s Legacy and Entitlement Trust Fund Account. It can never be overdrawn or refused, because the Kennedys have given so much for this country.

  7. Some would like to downplay the scumbag kennedy behavior and shift the focus to the boogeyman Police. Ask yourselves, “what must have happened that finally forced the Police to relent and actually respond to a certain clusterfuck that would undoubtedly lay the blame on the Police instead of the scumbag kennedys?”

    I can guarantee that the Police were cringing at the fact that they had no choice but to go deal with these spoiled drunken assholes. I also guarantee that they tried to shitcan numerous calls to the Police Station from neighbors. I bet the neighbors, multiples of them, also started calling 911 forcing the Cops with no other choice but to go there. They knew they would be dealing with self entitled bags of shit and it would not end well no matter what. Do you think they didnt know the very first words they would here were “You dont know who you are dealing with here !!!!”

    The Police didnt go there on their own, they were forced to, because the asshole drunken kennedys were driving their neighbors crazy, the public was pissed off, not the Cops. So if the people who clearly have a high tolerance for summertime/weekend debauchery on the “cape” had enough and called 911 you can bet it was beyond just good clean fun.

    I wish teddy was alive so I could watch him die again.

  8. 0.5 Assed Patriot may have a point, but my guess is that when the cops most likely asked them to keep it down, the a-hole Kennedys pulled out the old Do You Know Who I Am card and escalated an otherwise manageable situation, as some drunks will do.

    ‘Dang it, Bobby! Don’t blame the beer!’
    – Hank Hill (King of the Hill)

  9. Oh, and exactly zero fucks given here for the upset liberal Cape Cod elite who have to put up with these creeps! These are their betters!!!

    (takes breath, composes self, sits up straight)
    Ahhhhh- Hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa!!!!

  10. Thankfully, I live amongst culturally and intellectually superior people out here in “flyover country” and don’t have to deal with inbred trash like the Kennedy’s and their whiney, leftist neighbors.

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