Robert Reich: ‘The Democratic Party Has Not Been in This Bad Shape Since the 1920’s’ – IOTW Report

Robert Reich: ‘The Democratic Party Has Not Been in This Bad Shape Since the 1920’s’

Breitbart: Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” former Clinton administration Secretary of Labor Robert Reich said, “the Democratic Party has not been in this bad shape since the 1920’s.”

Reich said, “Right now, there is a disconnect, George, between a rather sclerotic Democratic apparatus which is in complete disarray. I mean the Democratic Party has not been in this bad shape since the 1920’s and a huge uprising at the grassroots, mostly against Trump. How can Tom Perez, can he actually utilize that, turn the Democratic Party from a vast fund-raising machine into a movement?”

“Hasn’t been done before very easily. you remember in the Vietnam war days, we had a huge uprising. but the Democratic Party had nothing to do with that. The thing that worries me most of all, if you look at the problems inside the Democratic Party, they have a lot to do with the same sort of populist uprising we’re seeing across the country, including the Donald Trump campaign.”

Watch the crying on video,  HERE

13 Comments on Robert Reich: ‘The Democratic Party Has Not Been in This Bad Shape Since the 1920’s’

  1. a huge uprising at the grassroots, mostly against Trump

    I think he means the Soros-funded astroturf “uprising” against President Trump.

    Maybe the ‘Democrat’ party should rebrand itself as the American Communist party, in the interest of accuracy?

  2. In the mid-1920s, the Democrats were deeply divided over the issue of Prohibition. After 100+ DNC ballot sessions, both Smith and McAdoo withdrew their nominations, paving the way for Coolidge (R) to win the 1924 Election in a landslide.

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