Robert Spencer: When I Tried to Give Gifts to the FBI – IOTW Report

Robert Spencer: When I Tried to Give Gifts to the FBI

Jihad Watch: The Department of Justice inspector general report has begun to reveal the extent of FBI corruption, and it’s pandemic. One notable indication of this corruption that the report reveals is that the Obama-era FBI was only too happy to be wooed and lavished with gifts by the establishment media. This reminded me of a time when I tried to give two Obamoid FBI agents copies of a book about the jihad threat – then these eminently corruptible officials suddenly turned into Dudley Do-Right, and absolutely could not, under any circumstances, accept gifts.

“We have profound concerns about the volume and extent of unauthorized media contacts by FBI personnel that we have uncovered during our review,” says the report. “FBI employees received tickets to sporting events from journalists, went on golfing outings with media representatives, were treated to drinks and meals after work by reporters, and were the guests of journalists at nonpublic social events.”

But several years ago I had lunch with a couple of FBI agents who were the very epitome of the kind of agent Barack Obama and James Comey wanted: extremely young, spottily educated, politically correct, secure and condescending in their ignorance, deeply concerned about the “right-wing” threat, and not at all preoccupied with the global jihad threat except insofar as it might put them on the trail of some “Islamophobes.” Over a reasonably cordial lunch, I told them about active jihadis who contact me from time to time, thinking that my website Jihad Watch is actually a pro-jihad site; they agreed to accept information about these people, but spent most of their time warning me somewhat ludicrously that if I had any contact with them, I could be charged as an accessory to terrorist activity – a prospect that seemed to bring a light to their eyes.  more here

10 Comments on Robert Spencer: When I Tried to Give Gifts to the FBI

  1. Watch what is happening.
    See how it is spun and reacted to.
    Remember that those in power hate you. Their supporters hate you. The media hate you.
    Look at their unquenched anger over your vote, still burning after all this time. That you dared to go against their will.
    We hear of White Hats in the FBI who so desperately want to tell the story of the corruption they witnessed. They truly care for this country we are told. Yet they love their pensions too much to risk them in talking out without being compelled.
    “We have counted the cost of this contest, and find nothing so dreadful as voluntary slavery. Honor, justice, and humanity, forbid us tamely to surrender that freedom which we have received from our gallant ancestors. . . . We cannot endure the infamy and guilt of resigning succeeding generations to that wretchedness which inevitably awaits them, if we basely entail hereditary bondage upon them. . . . [We are] with one mind resolved to die freemen rather than to live slaves.”

    What have you done to prepare?
    What have you done to make yourself better?
    They hate you and want you and yours dead.
    Never forget that you have a say in that.
    This ain’t no party…

  2. A comment from Ace’s blog this morning, with a small modification:

    “When people become convinced that their votes do not matter [but are still bound by laws which are not binding upon others], bad things follow. We’ve seen it throughout history. Sometimes it’s benign, sometimes not, but the end result is the same – we lost something that is not easily regained.”

    Exactly right, but in this country it’s not likely to be benign.

  3. When both the DOJ and the FBI are corrupt, inept and acting above the law, where and who are the citizens and government to turn to for equal justice and enforcement of the legally implemented laws?

  4. Last time this stuff happened the Emperor Constantine had sent his mom Helen to Jerusalem to find the “true cross.” Find it she did, as well as hundreds of other “relics” that were taken back to justify Constantine’s start of the “Roman Catholic Church” which is built just the same kind of lies the Obama Dark State is built on – false prophets, gods, and men (and women) willing to make up their own truths.

    Most people won’t like this analogy but that’s what all of this is about fighting against the religion of the left who want to take us again in to the dark ages of life where all have to bow down to their ideals and beliefs or else.


  5. Constantine and Obama both want to recreate the world according to their own visions of the future and inspiration: Obama to the sound of the muzzie call to prayer which is a bastardization of Christianity and Constantine to the “burning cross” that lead to an overturning of the early Church beliefs and bastardization of Christianity as well.

    Spenser’s point is the ethical application of behavioral standards as viewed by power systems and how they change in reference to political expediency.

    I could prove my thesis in about 5,000 words but you wouldn’t want to read it.

    Constantine’s effort led to great damage and error to the early Christian faith while Obama’s tries to subvert nationalistic systems of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness based on Christianity that America represents.

  6. @cato June 21, 2018 at 9:29 am

    > When both the DOJ and the FBI are corrupt, inept and acting above the law, where and who are the citizens and government to turn to for equal justice and enforcement of the legally implemented laws?

    “The people” (plural singular) will turn over. They’re not getting off the couch. Same as it ever was.

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