Robinson: Did You Know Green Bay’s Election Was Run by Michael Spitzer Rubenstein From A Hotel Room? – IOTW Report

Robinson: Did You Know Green Bay’s Election Was Run by Michael Spitzer Rubenstein From A Hotel Room?

Emerald Robinson-

There are so many newsworthy details contained in the just-released Wisconsin Special Counsel Report on the 2020 Election that it’s hard to know where to begin. Every American citizen should read this report because it explains how the election was stolen by Democrats. That alone makes it worthwhile.

Let’s start with this story:

The OSC learned that all machines in Green Bay were ESS machines and were
connected to a secret, hidden Wi-Fi access point at the Grand Hyatt hotel, which was the location used by the City of Green Bay on the day of the 2020 Presidential election. The OSC discovered the Wi-Fi, machines, and ballots were controlled by a single individual who was not a government employee but an agent of a special interest group operating in Wisconsin.

Wow. So one guy hidden at the Grand Hyatt Hotel controlled Green Bay’s election from his room? What is that guy’s name? According to the report: his name is Michael Spitzer Rubenstein. Why was a lawyer from Brooklyn in control of an election in Wisconsin?

That’s a good question.

12 Comments on Robinson: Did You Know Green Bay’s Election Was Run by Michael Spitzer Rubenstein From A Hotel Room?

  1. Crimes, crimes, and more crimes. Well documented crimes. Crimes verified by special counsels. Treasons, even.

    That’s a big report.

    So what actually changes?

    What actually happens?

    Who is arrested?

    Who is indicted?

    Who is charged?

    No one.

    Is the Pedophile removed from his now demostrably illegitimate seat?


    …so, once again…

    …nothing happens…

  2. That bastard was paid by that other bastard, Zuckerberg. The GB mayor was instructed (bribed) by Zuckerberg to allow Spitzer to have free reign over restricted areas. Follow the money trail from Zuckerberg to the individual mayors.
    I have no doubt that this slight of hand was used in Madison and Milwaukee too.
    All three of these mayors are crooked fucknuckles. Decertify the Wisconsin election!

  3. At this point wouldn’t it be better if the DNC just told us who won, never mind the voting?
    Stop pretending 81 million votes for a corrupt retard that was obvious the country was never behind and there seems that there is no way to stop them.

  4. Here’s another good question. What keeps most people from committing a crime? Of course, most people have morals and values, so they wouldn’t think of it. But for the seedy underbelly, the lowlife class, the only thing stopping them is fear of punishment. Well, that’s gone now. The democrats outright stole the 2020 election, and completely got away with it. That’s the end folks. There will NEVER be another free and fair election in this country. We will be under socialist rule from now on. I predict that dems will pick up 40-50 seats in the house and 3-5 seats in the senate this year. What’s to stop them.
    I sincerely believe that 50 years from now, if there are any history books written, the question will be asked, “Why did everyone just sit back and let the socialists steal the election? Why did so many people agree to wear masks and get death shots?”
    Heaven help us.


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