Roger Stone responds to the NYT claim that he used a Racial Slur during an interview – IOTW Report

Roger Stone responds to the NYT claim that he used a Racial Slur during an interview

13 Comments on Roger Stone responds to the NYT claim that he used a Racial Slur during an interview

  1. Why participate in these dog and pony shows in the first place? Shut up ya Goddamned fool. If you didn’t know what you signed up for going in you haven’t got the intellectual firepower to burn toast and belong nowhere near a microphone in the first place.

  2. Exactly, JDHasty. We saw almost exactly a year ago what these snakes will do with a “Perfect Phone Call”. You can’t win, so don’t play their game. Go enjoy your freedom and write the book, Roger.

  3. Anonymous, have you noticed that we’ve been bombarded with disputed audio “controversies” for the last few days? It’s almost like arguing about what was said somewhere is a diversion from what was done elsewhere. Like arguing about whether a mask is effective somewhere is a diversion from whether it is necessary anywhere. I think we need to keep our eyes on the ball, not the laser-pointer.

  4. @ Thirdtwin JULY 23, 2020 AT 12:08 AM

    Exactly. This halfwit should have been grateful to President Trump and holed up somewhere. Unfortunately, like so many these days, he grossly overestimated his own intelligence and ended up crapping in his own mess kit as a result. The damndest of damned fools would have known that there is nothing to be gained and everything to lose by entering these arenas.

  5. If Roger Stone had looked at him cross-eyed, 🤪 they would have found fault. Sometimes it’s best to leave well enough alone, like Thirdtwin said just write the book.

  6. Stone is a public speaker, he has to earn a living after being cleaned out by court costs. He’s going to run into lots of this but so will anyone else who keeps plugging away to air the apposing view. People can’t let the left have full control of the public space and just silently cower.

  7. When going into enemy territory, you need to record everything yourself.

    Breitbart offered $100k for evidence someone dropped an n-bomb and spat at her black congressional entourage when Nazi Pelosi strolled across the Capitol to taunt Tea Party protesters.

    To this day, that money remains unclaimed. It still was used for days in the media despite no evidence and an abundance of cellphone video.

  8. Better yet why not just come out and say it. Nigger. There. Now tell them to go to hell, fuck off, get a life. Why go on the defensive over a fucking word? There in lies the problem.

  9. I thought I distinctly, possibly, maybe heard Roger Stone call the Black Colored Person who was taunting him in that radio interview a member of the Special Colored Species, but I might be wrong about this. My hearing is a bit biased lately.


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