Roger Stone Show: Trump Confidante Roasts ‘Cowardly’ Lawmakers – IOTW Report

Roger Stone Show: Trump Confidante Roasts ‘Cowardly’ Lawmakers

LifeZette: GOP operative and provocateur Roger Stone, a longtime friend of the president, came out swinging in closed-door testimony before the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday morning. He accused Democrats of making false allegations against him and the whole committee of being “cowardly” for refusing to allow the testimony to take place in public.


Stone skunked the committee, posting a video online at InfoWars of himself reading the testimony in full. The video was posted at the exact time that Stone was to give his testimony.

“This is the statement that I am giving, right now, to the House Intelligence Committee,” Stone says at the beginning of the video.

“Because they steadfastly refused to hold this hearing in public and refused to release the transcript, I have no choice but to come here to so that you can hear precisely what I’m saying to the U.S. House committee this morning,” Stone continued.

“Good morning Mr. Chairman, Mr. Ranking Member, committee members of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and staff. My name is Roger Stone,” he said.

“I’m most interested in correcting a number of falsehoods, misstatements and misimpressions regarding allegations of collusion between Donald Trump, the Trump associates, the Trump family, the Trump campaign, and the Russian state,” Stone said.

“I view this as a political proceeding, because a number of the members of this committee have made irresponsible, indisputably and provably false statements in order to create the impression of collusion with the Russian state without any evidence that would hold up in a U.S. court of law or the court of public opinion,” Stone continued.

9 Comments on Roger Stone Show: Trump Confidante Roasts ‘Cowardly’ Lawmakers

  1. The big take-away from that meeting is a huge bombshell.
    A democratic member of the committee told Stone that the DNC had given their server(s) to the FBI. He questioned that, and it was confirmed by another democratic member. This surprised Trey Gowdy, also on the committee, who pointed out that comey had testified _under oath_ that the FBI did not have access to the server(s) and that they had been examined by an independent source (crowdstrike).
    Somebody ain’t telling the truth, and there also appears to be a partisan restriction of sharing intelligence in the committee. There will be quite a few people who won’t sleep tonight, trying to figure out how to spin this.
    Time for an independent investigation into these shenanigans.
    They’ll increase kneeling coverage for this, or lack of response to Puerto Rico.

  2. I think there needs to be an Independent Counsel appointed to investigate congress’ corruption.

    Doesn’t it feel like the wheels of the swamp are coming off? Sweet, sweet music to hear Corker seeing the writing on the wall and calling it quits.

    The GOP should be quaking in their swamp filled boots. President Trump has the suction hoses clearing the scum and going deep.

  3. BRAVO!! I read this and the link last night. Doing an end run around the committee is inspired. I see this becoming a trend for others having to testify before any Kongressional Kommittee.

  4. Somehow I get the opinion that this congressional committee pissed Mr. Stone off. He prepared a preemptive strike that was beautifully executed. Swamp critters can’t stand the light of day that this will shine on them. Blatant lies and unfounded accusations are the norm in DC when pols are too lazy or too biased to investigate facts. Time to clear the senate out. Term limits would be a start, more actions may be necessary.

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