Roger Wicker plays dominoes – IOTW Report

Roger Wicker plays dominoes

American Thinker:

By Francis P. Sempa

Mississippi GOP Senator Roger Wicker is at it again, urging the Biden administration to “protect our democratic friends” in Ukraine, and invoking the domino theory. Wicker, a member of the Armed Services Committee, previously suggested on Fox News that the United States use ground troops and possibly a nuclear first strike to defend Ukraine. Shortly after he made those comments and received criticism from former Hawaii congresswomen Tulsi Gabbard and Fox’s Tucker Carlson, a National Review William F. Buckley fellow named Jimmy Quinn came to Wicker’s defense, claiming he didn’t say what he clearly did say.

Now, National Review has published an article by Senator Wicker that praises President Biden for positioning more U.S. troops to NATO countries but criticizes him for not doing more. “Strong presidents,” he writes, “never take options off the table, and we cannot be surprised if Putin now doubts whether we really care what he does to Ukraine.” Because, Wicker writes, our failure to defend Ukraine will show that “America’s will to lead and defend the free world is no longer believed” and “every adversary will be emboldened to challenge our interests.”

To support his call for stronger U.S. actions to defend Ukraine, Wicker reaches back to the domino theory — the notion, first mentioned by President Eisenhower and later supported by presidents Kennedy and Johnson, that our failure to prevent a communist takeover of South Vietnam would inevitably lead to the communization of all of Southeast Asia, Indonesia, and beyond. Wicker writes: “There are now several dominoes lined up that stand to fall behind Ukraine,” and he mentions Poland and the Baltic States (who are NATO members — Ukraine is not). more h/t NAAC.

11 Comments on Roger Wicker plays dominoes

  1. A crazy voice from the 1960’s yells “Domino Effect” and calls for a nuclear first strike?

    Uh-huh. Where, inside Ukraine sacrificing thousands of Ukrainians? In Russia, guaranteeing a massive nuclear response?

    Did this guy just crawl out of a bayou?

  2. Our friends in Ukraine?? What friends? You mean the ones who fill our politicians suit cases with dollars that we sent them when they are on fact finding missions? Hell, you don’t need Ukraine, just go to Russa they will be more then happy to fill your suitcase full of cash if you come back and vote their. way e.g Hildabeast.

  3. War war, war, Russia, Russia, just a few days before Brandon has to give the State of the Union speech. OMG so predictable.

    BTW, how many children and grandchildren are elected officials willing to send to fight in Ukraine? Wicker should be first to go.

  4. Maybe we should get Donny to have another hush hush very secret closed door meeting with his best commie buddy. Give him a few bareback rides, promise Putin he’ll make a payment on those forever loans & everything will be fine.

  5. Didn’t the last time we fought a war using the Domino theory to protect our so called allies in SE Asia end up as a giant cluster fuck sacrificing 57,000 American lives all for nothing thanks to the democraps and their media allies who lost the war for the United States after the 1968 Tet Offensive which we won but the media won’t tell you that. Stay the hell out of the Ukraine, it’s not our war.

  6. Imagine if Russia shipped billions of dollars of weapons to Mexico. Imagine if the Russian army held war games with the Mexican army right across the US border. What if Russia financed a radical group like MeCHA that says that the US actually belongs to Mexico, armed them, and they were making regular crossing of the US border to take control of disputed real estate.

    You can be certain that it would cause those assholes in DC for once to actually give a rat fuck about the US Southern border for a change because they would be in the exact same position that the US has put Russia in with regards to Ukraine.

    Meanwhile, everything those asshole warmongers want in Ukraine is for the benefit of Europe; not the US. Fuck these traitors in DC. The US military is just a mercenary force that they sell to the highest bidder using the lives and futures of the class of their own countrymen that they couldn’t give a fuck less about.


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