Rolling Stone Forced To Admit Their Sensational Rape Story Is a Pant Load of Feminist Fever Dreams – IOTW Report

Rolling Stone Forced To Admit Their Sensational Rape Story Is a Pant Load of Feminist Fever Dreams

These retractions only happen because of right-wing media. We posted about the plainly flawed story that Rolling Stone was all to willing to publish because it fit an anti-men, an anti-white men, narrative.

USA TODAY reports –

Rolling Stone magazine said Friday that it found discrepancies in its controversial story about an alleged gang rape of a woman named “Jackie” at the University of Virginia and had lost faith in the piece — a shocking retreat coming merely days after author Sabrina Rubin Erdely defended the reporting.

“In the face of new information, there now appear to be discrepancies in Jackie’s account, and we have come to the conclusion that our trust in her was misplaced,” Will Dana, the magazine’s managing editor, wrote on its website.

“We were trying to be sensitive to the unfair shame and humiliation many women feel after a sexual assault and now regret the decision to not contact the alleged assaulters to get their account,” the post said. “We are taking this seriously and apologize to anyone who was affected by the story.”


21 Comments on Rolling Stone Forced To Admit Their Sensational Rape Story Is a Pant Load of Feminist Fever Dreams

  1. “The UVA False Rape Fabulists”

    FTA – Theory #3 The sex ratio on college campuses — 60%+ women and rising — favors men in the dating market. Female students are thus put into a position, by virtue of their natural hypergamous instincts, of being one of the shared side dishes of a popular male student, of dating less desirable nerd betas, or of getting shut out of the dating market altogether. At the margins, this lopsided sex ratio and its consequences will cause some mentally unbalanced women (feminists) to act out like lunatics.

  2. The media has become so comfortable at explaining a lying narrative, whether coming from the white house talking points, reporting on false narratives (Dan Rather/George Bush), or just making shit up (MSNBC/CNN/ABC/CBS/NBC). The public, as Gruber stated, IS stupid. And that has created this market of disingenuous. Because, like our colleges and universities, they aim to shape a nation in an emotional and social sense. Not on History, fact-checking, and TRUTH.

    And they are doing a HELL of a job!

  3. So they were caught this time. But it is so blatent and all over all media that this is really a non-story. Unless the public wakes up (including these minute minority zombies reading Rolling Stone), there is no hope. We are in for pure socialism, and then collapse. And then rebuild, under what?

  4. Fact: Colleges, Universities, and many primary and high schools now teach emotional outrage, not facts to base future decisions upon.

    We are fostering a nation of imbeciles. Who will base their decisions upon emotion. If WWII were to happen today, we would be in deep shit. The emotion should be towards truth, righteousness based on that truth, and finally working towards that. When you take the first part, TRUTH, out and replace it with FEELINGS, this is what happens. A nation of children.

  5. The fraternity in question should sue the author and Rolling Stone for major dollars. The wording in the retraction was so strong that I’ll bet the lawyers for the magazine were shitting their pants realizing how bad this could get. Sue the fuckers till they bleed out and close down.

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