‘Rolling Stone’ Founder Announces Magazine Is Up for Sale – IOTW Report

‘Rolling Stone’ Founder Announces Magazine Is Up for Sale

WFB: Rolling Stones founder is putting the iconic magazine up for sale amid declining revenue and a damaged journalistic reputation in need of repair.

Jann Wenner started Rolling Stone in 1967, and the magazine spent decades as a leading tastemaker and stage for up-and-coming writers. But now he is looking to sell his controlling stake, the New York Times reports.

Wenner’s 27-year-old son, Gus, currently president and chief operating officer of parent company Wenner Media, has come up with plans for selling the magazine after off-loading many of the company’s assets.  MORE

19 Comments on ‘Rolling Stone’ Founder Announces Magazine Is Up for Sale

  1. The klowns who bought the NYT, Time/Newspeak, WaPo, ABC, Disney, and those other propagandistic rags might be interested … calling Josef Goebbels … calling Josef Goebbels … courtesy phone!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Good riddance – RS has not been about the cutting edge of music, rather a political rag that had the audacity to give the surviving Boston bomber rock star cover treatment. ‘Bout time it went down.

  3. remember when you went to college and sent in one of those subscription cards to rs and checked the “bill me” box ?

    I do.

    never read much of it but it made a great coffee table magazine to use for a coaster. held a six pack easy.

  4. Print is dead…Has been since Al Gore invented the internet…

    My favorite Mag was Powerboat…It took them two months to

    publish an issue….You can have the same story and pics up in

    15 minutes online…I still have 10 years or so of the old

    ones…Bathroom readers.

  5. I bid $100.00. And I’ll recoup that after I fire the presstitutes and sell off the assets (desks, computers, etc) for pennies on the dollar.
    Hell, even if I don’t recoup my $100.00, it will be money well spent to oversee the closure of this rag.

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