Roman Colosseum to Be Lit Blood Red for Persecuted Christians – IOTW Report

Roman Colosseum to Be Lit Blood Red for Persecuted Christians

Breitbart: The Roman Colosseum along with two churches in Mosul and Aleppo will be lit up by red lights later this month to draw attention to the global persecution of Christians.

“Christians are the victims of at least 75 percent of all religiously-motivated violence and oppression,” declared the latest report from Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), the group organizing the event, and moreover “the extent of this persecution is largely ignored by our media.”

In a gesture meant to combat global indifference to the plight of persecuted Christians, on Saturday, Feb. 24, one of Rome’s most iconic structures—the Colosseum—will be illuminated in red, representing Christians who have shed their blood for the faith.

At the same time, prominent churches in Syria and Iraq will be illuminated with red lights as well. In Aleppo, the St. Elijah Maronite Cathedral will be lit up in red, as will the Church of St. Paul in Mosul. Turning on the lights in Mosul, said the Chaldean Catholic Patriarch Louis Raphael Sako I, “means bringing back hope to Iraqi Christians who have suffered so much.”

According to Alfredo Mantovano, president of ACN-Italy, the media event is meant as a denunciation of “the martyrdom suffered by our brothers and sisters.” It is our intention, he said, “to involve them directly through two of the communities who have suffered the most in recent years, those of Syria and Iraq.”

Last year, Aid to the Church in Need organized a similar event, lighting up London’s Parliament building in red, as well as the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Paris and the cathedral in Manila, Philippines as a sign of solidarity with persecuted Christians everywhere.  MORE

17 Comments on Roman Colosseum to Be Lit Blood Red for Persecuted Christians

  1. Will this be as effective as the “Headlights for Hostages” we did when Iran took over our Embassy? In a mere 444 days, those headlights brought that to an end.

    Or maybe it was something else. Naaaah, was the colored lights.

  2. This is the pregame version of the piles of flowers and teddy bears that occur after a Mohamedan attack on innocents. Spare us the symbolism and FUCKING DO SOMETHING. Arm up, train up, man up.

    This is lamb think acquiescence to their own impending slaughter.

  3. In early preparation, The less than pious pope is sending out invitations to the annual Iftar dinner to celebrate the upcoming muslim month of Ramadan and the 1400 years of killing Christians.
    obama will be the guest speaker at the vatican.

    The American churches are sponsoring islamic refugees after receiving $100s of millions of dollars from the obama administration for muslim resettlement costs.
    The American taxpayers are footing the bills for food, EBT cards, housing, medical, education, electricity and Social security payments.

    Christians from persecuted nations, who have survived, need not apply.

  4. Considering the large number of Muslims killed by other Muslims because the ones killed don’t follow the correct flavor of Mohammadeanism. The 75% persecution rate of Christians is quite a statistic. This level of Christian persecution is disturbing, but otoh, it confirms our faith because Christ told us the world persecuted him & it will persecute us also. The persecutors of Christians by their actions prove Christ gave us true prophesies.

  5. A nice gesture, but just that, merely a gesture, signifying much but accomplishing little to nothing.
    As PHenry said, “arm up, man up, train up.”
    Teh Christians need to be gotten out of there, either by diplomatic means, or by invasion. And if necessary, in order to make room for the new arrivals, the muzzies that are already here, need to be sent back over there. Yes, I’m looking at the Somalis in particular.

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