Romanian Senator Diana Sosoaca claims people died by premeditated earthquakes triggered in Turkey – IOTW Report

Romanian Senator Diana Sosoaca claims people died by premeditated earthquakes triggered in Turkey

CairnsNews: Senator blames Deep State for causing the devastating earthquake which so far has killed 33,000 people in Turkey

In a dramatic speech to Parliament on Friday Senator Sosoaca said President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, had upset World Economic Forum chairman Klaus Schwab by leaving halfway through a press conference and blocking Sweden from joining NATO.

“We have lived to witness production of earthquakes on demand. NATO disliked being set up by President Erdogan,” a furious Sosoaca stated.

“Moreover his position of neutrality and mediator in the Ukranian-Russian war deeply disturbed them. His position to block Sweden’s accession to NATO and his speech in Davos as well as the gesture of leaving in the middle of a press conference defying Schwab did not remain without an echo in the cold world leaders of the world.

“But no one thought that people would have to die so many in such a terrible way.

“But ten seconds before the occurrence of the so-called earthquakes the Turks closed these (oil and gas) pipelines

“In addition 24 hours before the earthquakes 10 countries withdrew their ambassadors from Turkey. MORE h/t joe6pak

19 Comments on Romanian Senator Diana Sosoaca claims people died by premeditated earthquakes triggered in Turkey

  1. There is other evidence that this ‘earthquake’ was not a natural occurrence.

    Pipeline shutoffs and ambassador removals are actions that can be verified (or not).

    It’s always about money. Common people are valueless to our rulers. Look around the entire globe!

  2. I have to admit our government hasn’t been doing the usual groveling for support to the Turkish/Syrian recovery efforts as always accompanies disasters.
    Somethings very different.

  3. Though they totally lack the intelligence to accomplish it, oBozo and Shitpants decided 10 yrs ago to remove Putin so Russia can be looted. They are willing to destroy the planet to achieve their lusty goal.

    Blowing up Nord Stream, pretty much proven now, indicates that anything goes since all else has failed them. If only they were held accountable for all the tanks they’ve lost in mere days!

    Lavrov absolutely TOWERS over the collective IQs and integrity of US and EU (and UN) “leaders”. And Castro’s bastard boy is their clown puppet.

  4. other stories reported there was no quake epicenter

    “Just days before the earthquake, strange clouds were seen over Turkey. Coincidence?
    All the earthquake experts say that with such a large earthquake of almost 8.0 on the Richter scale, these two tremblors were unusually shallow at a depth of only 10km. Earthquakes of that magnitude usually occur at a depth of at least 30km. In addition, a pair of large earthquakes of 7.8 and 7.5 in such a short time is also a rare phenomenon. Moreover, huge flashes in the sky were seen by many just before the earthquake. They especially lit up a large part of the sky in that specific area just before the first 7.8 earthquake. n addition, a pair of large earthquakes of 7.8 and 7.5 in such a short time is also a rare phenomenon. Moreover, huge flashes in the sky were seen by many just before the earthquake. They especially lit up a large part of the sky in that specific area just before the first 7.8 earthquake.”

    https://diannemarshallreport DOT com/truth-bombs-designed-to-miss-or-just-hidden-in-plain-sight/

  5. I wondered when this would come out. Some of the things I’ve been reading have hinted that people think this was engineered, but didn’t really go there. Now they have and I can’t think of a response other than … it’s possible.

    After all, look what our government has been doing to their own citizens:

    * allowing invaders to cross our border with human trafficking and drugs that kill so easily;
    *reducing our food availability by killing cattle, chickens and destroying farmland by selling it to China/Bill Gates or poisoning it like they just did in Ohio;
    *Covid – killing our elderly in nursing homes, children (whether by rendering women unable to conceive, having miscarriages and stillbirths, and by allowing them to be jabbed, and maiming/killing everyone else with the jab;
    *reducing our spending ability to cause depression and soon allow those depressed people to be euthanized so they can sell their body parts;
    *stealing elections right in front of our faces and denying what we see with our own eyes;
    *etc, etc, etc.

    Is anything beyond suspicion?

    Although God is still ruler of this world, he has allowed Satan to do what he can – to a limit – as a way to bring us back to him. Some think it’s a punishment, but if we were to truly feel God’s wrath, we would surly be dead now.

    He allows nations who used to have his morality as their standards to suffer in order for them to return to him. When we started leaving him by removing him from our society, he was patient. Just like he did for Israel when they left him, he brought prophets to warn them. Our modern prophets, pastors and other religious leaders (even one President – Reagan) warned us. Some listened, many did not.

    When we started to sacrifice our children to the gods of Baal and Moloch in abortion, he turned his back on us. He allowed Satan to gather more followers and gave him more leeway to show us where we were going without him.

    When SCOTUS reversed RvW, we had a chance. We failed. We let the left continue their rampage against God and Americans. We sit and cower thinking that we have to fight to win, but so few are willing. And that may not even be enough. We need something more powerful.

    We need to turn back to God, accept his ways and be willing to do what it takes to bring him back to his rightful place in our society, as Lord. The Power of God to create everything we know and don’t know, the Power of his voice to create light out of darkness, the power to defeat death; that’s what we need.

    He did it before when his people came back to him. He will do it again.

    Unless you want to give up…

  6. It might be woo, but the Christ’s Church, New Zealand earthquake was supposedly linked to a project that was fired up in Antarctica. The target was the ocean near New Guinea, but instead it hit New Zealand. CERN is another project that’s evil. Super collider, what could go wrong?

  7. Claudia, I came across this headline from today’s World Net Daily (WND), that I thought you might be interested in. It reads, A revival has broken out at a Christian College. Prayer meeting scheduled for one evening continues-for days. A revival has broken out at a Christian College, Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky and what started out as a scheduled prayer mtg. has now extended for more than a week. The prayer now has even spread, the report said to students from the University of Kentucky, the University of the Cumberlands, Purdue U., Indiana Wesleyan University, Transylvania U., Lee University, Georgetown College, Mt. Vernon University and more. Perhaps God is moving in revival on young college students from the Midwest just as he did in an earlier generation of American people prior to the Civil War from the 1830’s to 1850’s in the Second Great Awakening which also came out of the Midwest. I am very encouraged and hopeful that this will spread beyond just the Midwest into the rest of America. God is on the move; I truly believe and isn’t done with America yet. And I have never have and never will give up on America, in this the most blessed country on Earth because of In God we trust and not on man or our current ungodly, unconstitutional govt.


    Thank you so much for this! I read that just about an hour ago and am very encouraged. I, also, have not given up on our country. Nor do I believe that God is finished with giving our world more time. Just because we see signs of the end times, doesn’t mean we can give up … NO! It means we have to pray more and be the light in this dark world. He isn’t finished and neither should we! – Claudia

  8. Some things are beyond man’s capabilities thank God. For a quake to rip there has to be sufficient stress built up on it. The Turkey quakes are 500 year events – they’ve happened before. When quakes happen in the Bible there’s always a reason for them. God is less likely to be merciful to a country with a .03% Christian population. Lights flashing are generally transformers exploding in the distance where the quake has already started. When Jesus returns he will step on the Mount Of Olives and it will split in half. He won’t need an explosive device to accomplish this. During the great tribulation global quakes will occur – all of the world’s plates grinding on each other simultaneously. Islands, mountains will disappear – new mountains and islands will rise up. I’ll stick with act of God. Some things the devil simply cannot be trusted with.


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