“Rome, city of bridges, never walls!,” says Pope, “Jesus demands” we take in Muslim migrants – IOTW Report

“Rome, city of bridges, never walls!,” says Pope, “Jesus demands” we take in Muslim migrants

Jihad Watch: The Pope lives in a walled city within Rome. Will he tear down those walls? How many Muslim migrants has the Vatican taken in? Or is it the poor and disenfranchised of Rome and Italy in general who must pay the price for this man’s virtue signaling?

Pope Francis has repeatedly branded those who oppose mass Muslim migration into Europe as un-Christian. He seems to be completely unconcerned about facts such as the following: all of the jihadis who murdered 130 people in Paris in November 2015 had just entered Europe as refugees. In February 2015, the Islamic State boasted it would soon flood Europe with as many as 500,000 refugees. The Lebanese Education Minister said in September 2015 that there were 20,000 jihadis among the refugees in camps in his country. On May 10, 2016, Patrick Calvar, the head of France’s DGSI internal intelligence agency, said that the Islamic State was using migrant routes through the Balkans to get jihadis into Europe.

And in the U.S., Somali Muslim migrant Mohammad Barry in February 2016 stabbed multiple patrons at a restaurant owned by an Israeli Arab Christian; Ahmad Khan Rahami, an Afghan Muslim migrant, in September 2016 set off bombs in New York City and New Jersey; Arcan Cetin, a Turkish Muslim migrant, in September 2016 murdered five people in a mall in Burlington, Washington; Dahir Adan, another Somali Muslim migrant, in October 2016 stabbed mall shoppersin St. Cloud while screaming “Allahu akbar”; and Abdul Razak Artan, yet another Somali Muslim migrant, in November 2016 injured nine people with car and knife attacks at Ohio State University. 72 jihad terrorists have come to the U.S. from the countries listed in Trump’s initial immigration ban.

Pope Francis has never expressed any concern about any of this. Of course, he has claimedrisibly that “authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence.” This has become a superdogma in the Catholic Church: if you don’t believe that Islam is a Religion of Peace, you will be ruthlessly harassed and silenced by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the hierarchy elsewhere as well. The bishops of the Catholic Church are much more concerned that you believe that Islam is a religion of peace than that you believe in, say, the Nicene Creed. And so what possible reason could there be to be concerned about these “refugees”? It’s a religion of peace!  more

32 Comments on “Rome, city of bridges, never walls!,” says Pope, “Jesus demands” we take in Muslim migrants

  1. Um, there is a lot more real estate where they come from.
    So let them go all Israeli on their own countries and clean them up and make them nice. Irrigate and transform the land.
    So shut up you Jesuit commie

  2. this is the a “cafeteria pope”… don’t listen to him…

    What do you call a secret society of men who wear garments that look like dresses & fancy hats? The catholic church or a cult?

  3. i always poo-poohed the anti-pope anti-christ conspiracy. This man has convinced me I am wrong.

    But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Matthew 18:6

    BTW, that goofy hat he wears? Its a copy of the god Dagons hat.

  4. Be careful what you claim in God’s name. You know the third commandment? “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.” God does not take lightly those who use his name in vain. This commandment is not just about cussing. It’s misrepresenting the word and message of God to further an agenda that he does not support.

    Claiming to speak for God treads close to violating his command. You do know what happens when you make God mad, don’t you, Pope?

  5. He needs to be thrown into Mount Vesuvius, but this alone will not appease my Lord and GOD.
    So, we will give the pope to GOD because it appeases our sinfulness.
    It’s a great start though.

  6. To his most Pope-squacthness:

    I’m going to need chapter and versus on that. Matthew 18:6 & Mark 9:42 make it clear that those who offend little children should have millstones put around their necks and then tossed into the sea.

    With all that is going on within the Priestly class of your organization and I’m talking about 7 states are planing to use RICO Laws against whole dioceses as in laws designed to take down the Mafia are now being used to get to the bottom of Priest sex abuse -just think about that your pope-N-ator-ness- and you feel the need to lecture the world on how Christian it is to let savages who want to murder them into their country?!? This from a man who lives behind a wall and has a private army wholes soul purpose it to protect him? What the hell is going on?

    I have Catholic friends who are God fearing and sincere in their devotion to serving God’s Will as they understand it and they put you to shame. As in you are not worthy to be called to a position of authority over such good people.

    Has ann barnhardt commented on Fatima and how the 2nd pope after John Paul II was supposed to be the Anti Christ or something. I did not give it much thought when I heard about it back in the early 90’s but I’m thinking about it now.

  7. Maybe he’s hoping to become a (d) congressperson? I mean, now they can even wear funny clothes on the House floor. The money might even be better too…

  8. Jesus didn’t like worshipping false idols. Muhammed the paedophile wasn’t around during Jesus time. Go home and hide behind your big fat wall Pope Stupidicous.

  9. What about that humongous wall around Vatican City. You have not seen a wall until you have seen that bad boy. Ill believe the pope when they tear it down

  10. 2 Peter 2 Destructive Doctrines

    2 But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. 2 And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. 3 By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction [l]does not slumber.

    This Pope does not Serve God.

  11. Any one who reads the Koran can’t miss the close to 70% that is devoted to violence, killing, rape, conquest. This pope has never read a page of the Koran and has never opened and read a Bible.


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