Romney 2018? – IOTW Report

Romney 2018?

Recycling may be good for the planet, but for politics? Not so much.


Senator Mitt Romney? That may be what we’re calling the former Massachusetts governor and Republican presidential nominee if reports out of Utah are correct.

Utah Policy is reporting that Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) may announce his retirement rather than seek reelection in 2018. Hatch, 83, stated that 2012 would be his final campaign, but changed his mind as recently as March 2017.

However, the Senate’s second highest-ranking official did leave open the possibility of retirement if one man sought his seat: Mitt Romney.

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30 Comments on Romney 2018?

  1. Why is it they keep recycling the same old crap trying to convince the voter this is a new, untried product? The man is a mentally unbalanced loser and will retain that title no matter how ofter he runs. Get over it Mitt, you are done!

  2. We did not like you then and we do not like you now Mittens. Find another line of work like used car salesman, although I would not buy a used car from you.

  3. Apparently nobody in the private sector is willing to employ this empty suit.

  4. I hope that Utah residents resent the insult of having an outsider helicoptered in to “represent” them. This sort of crap, like Hillary becoming a NY Senator, is the stuff of 3rd world aristocrats. “That’s not who we are.” – B. Obama

  5. 1994. Romney lost to the stumbling, bumbling drunk, Ted Kennedy, in a bid for Massachusetts senator.
    If you lose to that guy and Barack after 4 miserable years of mismanagement, lecturing, hectoring and treason….you are officially a loser.

  6. Mitt is 70. Yes I know Trump is too but doesn’t the guy have anything else to do with his life since he has already had his shot and lost?! Just enjoy your life, go spend your millions and spend time with your extensive family and stay out of politics.

  7. We are talking a Senator from Utah. … From Utah… You don’t want to challenge that state to do worse than Romney because they could 100% absolutely make that happen.

    Be careful for what you ask for is all I’m saying.

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