Romney Defends Trump’s Border Security Policy, Rips Biden In Heated Interview – IOTW Report

Romney Defends Trump’s Border Security Policy, Rips Biden In Heated Interview


Utah Republican Sen. Mitt Romney said that former President Donald Trump was much better at handling the border crisis than President Joe Biden.

“People have been screaming about the border for all three and a half years Joe Biden has been president,” Romney argued during an exclusive MSNBC interview. “He’s not done anything to solve the problem of the border. That’s a huge issue for President Trump, I can’t understand why President Biden didn’t tackle this from the beginning.”

Romney locked horns with MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle over Biden’s record during the episode of “The Eleventh Hour with Stephanie Ruhle,” arguing that Trump may benefit from Biden’s failure to secure the border.

“That’s an issue that has worked for him, it worked for him back in 2016, he expects it will work for him again,” said Romney, the 2012 GOP presidential nominee. “If I were President Biden, I’d be all over that, and instead he served it to President Trump on a silver platter.”

24 Comments on Romney Defends Trump’s Border Security Policy, Rips Biden In Heated Interview

  1. “I can’t understand why President Biden didn’t tackle this from the beginning.” Hey Mitt, you dumb shit! He did tackle it from the beginning. He signed one Executive Order after another to ensure we had open borders and a new supply of democrat voters.

  2. Mittens trying to get Biden to act on the border to take an issue away from Trump. As if we needed more proof that Mittens is a POS. I can’t believe I voted for that turd.

  3. geoff – Yeah, well at the time it was better than voting for the Socialist, Marxist Communist Kenyan Kremepuff, not to mention Jew hating moisturizing metrosexual, Maoist styled Quasi-muzlim!

  4. General Malaise, I wonder if Willard would fall for another dinner with Trump. Probably would. He’d sell his soul to be the Trump’s second Pence. That’s my two cents, anyway.

  5. All… all… ALL those years playing second fiddle to the Bush family! I think it drove him nuts. Then Mitt gets his chance in 2012. Zip point shit, Mitt! Strike three, you’re out!

    Then, Trump overcomes the rigged game in 2016. Must have been most maddening!

    Sorry, Willard. Your father, as big a crook as he was, made you look like a slimey novice.

  6. But he’s wearing is magic underwear so he’s got super powers.
    He recognizes the Trump win that’s coming and wants to be on The winning side so he can sabotage him.

  7. “If I were President Biden..”

    We wouldn’t notice one goddam bit of difference, you POS !!!

    That these greasy assholes DARE to come out of their hidey-holes tells you how upside down this world is. He should be wearing a constant black-eye and an arm sling. Every day he dares talk.

  8. Bidenmypants took a hint from LBJ’s book of grabbing votes for democrats.

    “Let all them Migros in. We’ll get em’ all to vote democrat for the next hunnert years.”

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