Romney Predicts Trump 2020 Domination – IOTW Report

Romney Predicts Trump 2020 Domination

Romney must have put on his flip flops because he needs President Trump’s help.

DC: Utah Republican Senate candidate Mitt Romney predicted President Donald Trump will win the 2020 presidential election in a speech Friday.

Despite Romney’s past criticism of Trump, the former Massachusetts governor sounded confident that Trump would be “easily” re-elected, citing the “strong economy” and “rising wages” as reasons for why he thought Trump will win. Romney also said it’s likely Democrats will nominate someone who will make it easier for Trump to win in 2020.

“I think President Trump will be re-nominated by my party easily, and I think he’ll be re-elected solidly,” Romney said in a speech to a group of major GOP donors in Utah, according to Politico.

Trump gave Romney his “full support and endorsement” for his senate bid in February, despite the two having differences in the past. Since then, Romney said Trump has “exceeded” his expectations in a May interview after the two had a public reconciliation during Trump’s presidential transition. The president also endorsed Romney in the 2012 presidential election, calling Romney a “fantastic” candidate.  more here

19 Comments on Romney Predicts Trump 2020 Domination

  1. Romney — like many of his ilk — don’t know whether to wind his a$$ or scratch his watch. No grounded integrity, blowing in the political wind. Trump is the windstorm.

  2. I know there is a lot of negative vibs here for Romney but look at this a healing within the GOP.

    The Dems will be going full progtard in 2018 and more importantly 2020. We will need all hands on deck and unified front. With one of the biggest ‘Never Trumpers’ doing a full reverse this should be taken as great news.

  3. Translation:

    Romney wants votes from Trump supporters to get into the Senate, so he can use that power to fuck with Trump the way that piece of shit McCain did.

  4. He’s a NeverTrumper and that makes him a NeverTruster in my book. He can go to hell. Sounds more like he’s angling for a cabinet role or an ambassadorship.

  5. Since we are playing Captain Obvious today:

    JDHasty predicts that in 2020 Mitt Romney will still be the wanker he has always been.

    I have never been able to warm up to this Romney jackass. My sister used to think he was something special, but he has always just rubbed me wrong. That is going back to the Atlanta Olympics days when he first appeared on the national scene.

  6. Pelopidas JUNE 8, 2018 AT 3:40 PM
    I know there is a lot of negative vibs here for Romney but look at this a healing within the GOP.

    Wish I could share in your optimism, but I’ve seen things & heard things these past 3 years I can never “un know”. GOP is dead.

    Romney realizes the global spy racket is drying up. Hillary came along to mop up the mess they started and even her crooked cabal failed. If nothing else, Romney is a shrewd business man. He’ll bet on the winner, even if it’s against his principles {{snicker}}.

  7. TheMule is 100% correct. Remember that little turd pushing amnesty? You know, the Speaker of the House? And the other little turd in Florida, “American workers have yet to see a benefit from the reform package championed by President Donald Trump”? And, of course, that big turd from Arizona who gleefully thumbed down the Obamacare Repeal?

    Don’t waste you vote on those who will try to sabotage President Trump once their lies have gotten them what they want.

  8. “Mitts” Romney is a passive aggressive, underhanded, backstabbing, NeverTrumper, RINO creep. Trump needs to distance himself as much as possible from Romney. TheMule is right – Mitts want to be the next McStain.

  9. Mittens, Mittens, Mittens … haven’t you stolen enough?

    It’s as though you and Mrs. Clinton are in some sort of race – “who’s the biggest grifter?”

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. There are 350 million Americans from which to choose and Romney has run and been summarily dismissed, twice. Deemed not fit for national office.

    Step aside, Mittens. It takes alot to lose to jug-eared Obola, who obviously hates America. And you did just that.


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