Romney wears two masks – IOTW Report

Romney wears two masks

24 Comments on Romney wears two masks

  1. Hey, Willard — Here’s the drill.

    — Get two Kevlar masks

    — Apply a liberal (!) amount of Vaseline to the inside of one of them, set it aside

    — Use super glue on the inside of other mask and immediately place it over your nose and mouth

    — Put the Vaseline coated mask on over the glued one

    — Finally, use more super glue to secure the straps around your ears

    Although this method is a bit involved, you will find the results are breathtaking.

  2. I want to see lots of live TV and cell phone video of the loonies who are wearing two (or three!) masks pass out from lack of oxygen and too high a CO2 level. If we’re lucky, many will fall and hit their heads on something really hard.

  3. It’s funny how this fool perceives himself. He’s still under the illusion that he’s viewed as a principled and honorable statesman.
    He’s to dense and narcissistic to realize the most of the public sees right through his farcical act.
    He’s become a stale joke and the only one who hasn’t got it yet.

  4. Do Mormons have special masks to protect them like they do underwear?!?!

    Pierre Delecto is so full of swamp bullshit! So is Mitt Romney LOL.
    Since Mittens thinks according to Joseph Smith, Jesus made an appearance in the old west is it ok to say, Mitt thinks Jesus was a cowboy?

  5. @Joe Btfsplk

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    China VIrus China Virus Stolen Election China Virus China Virus Stolen Election
    China VIrus China Virus Stolen Election China Virus China Virus Stolen Election

  6. I’m not sure elections are the answer anymore, they seem to be rigged?
    O/T we went to look at a rental last night and the lady showing us the house was talking about how they’re recommending three masks now, I told her why not 5 or 10 just to be safe.
    Yep, she was a slow Joe voter and running a scam at that, me thinks.


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