Romney’s Niece, Other Republicans Attack Mitt Romney For Anti-Trump Op-Ed – IOTW Report

Romney’s Niece, Other Republicans Attack Mitt Romney For Anti-Trump Op-Ed

{…] Republican Party Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel called the op-ed “disappointing and unproductive.” Mitt Romney is Ronna McDaniel’s uncle.

McDaniel tweeted, “POTUS is attacked and obstructed by the MSM media and Democrats 24/7. For an incoming Republican freshman senator to attack @realdonaldtrump as their first act feeds into what the Democrats and media want and is disappointing and unproductive.”

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16 Comments on Romney’s Niece, Other Republicans Attack Mitt Romney For Anti-Trump Op-Ed

  1. There’s a new definition for ASSHOLE. It’s Mitt Romney. But make no mistake, he’s doing some one else’s bidding. I imagine it pays well. This is all about Globalism and open borders. Socialism by any other name. I smelling some rotten Crotch Brothers. Bottom line is it doesn’t support a Constitutional Republic. Mitt Romney needs a Blanket Party.

  2. When is Romney going to make it official and become a Democrat? He probably won’t. If he did, he would just be another Democratic Senator. By remaking a Republican, the MSM will fawn all over him because he is so “prinicpaled,” completely forgetting all the nasty things they said about him when he had the unmitigated gall to run against St. Barack.

  3. Not only has Willard grossly overestimated his political prowess, so have his backers: the C of C, The Kochs, The Dems/Progs, The Rhinos, and all the other boys in the Swamptime Band.

    In fact, I’m beginning to think that on that infamous family vacation that caused such a scandal for him when he ran for President, that the family put Mitt in the cage on top of the station wagon….and the dog drove.

  4. I am kinda glad Mittens here ‘pulled a Romney’*.
    Mittens is getting the shit kicked out of him.
    I have seen NO ONE support him.
    Maybe he’ll fall in line a little better from now on.
    Or we’ll see if he is every bit as stupid as Jeff Flake.

    *Pull a Romney: To make enemies out of your teammates by verbally siding with the enemy before you even start your flipping first day on the team.

  5. Trust me, this Romney character is bad, bad news.

    Satan has a soul hanging in his closet with the name “MITT” embroidered across the back. There’s also a pair with the name “Clinton” on them. 👿

  6. Couldn’t make the case against the worst president in one of the worst economies in history.

    Had his lackey VP pick try to hamstring the guy who did for two years.

    I have zero tolerance for these people who wore a ball and gag for Obama and are now the songbirds of this generation.


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