Ron DeSantis Counter-Strikes Mutinous, Anti-Science School Districts – IOTW Report

Ron DeSantis Counter-Strikes Mutinous, Anti-Science School Districts


Several school districts in Florida have signaled their willingness to defy Gov. Ron DeSantis’ executive order barring mask mandates, leaving a showdown looming. RedState reported on the mutiny taking place, with the question being how the governor would respond.

He’s apparently settled on his first counter-strike, with the Florida Board of Education (which works closely with DeSantis) passing an emergency rule allowing parents to put their kids in other schools via vouchers.

This is a good first step, though more drastic measures may need to be taken later to ensure parents are able to exercise choice when it comes to their children wearing disgusting Petri dishes of filth on their faces. more

18 Comments on Ron DeSantis Counter-Strikes Mutinous, Anti-Science School Districts

  1. Why don’t we see the same mutiny in blue states but for the opposite reason? Blue states never do what’s right for the children and only rule with an iron fist, not 2 shits given what the parents or children think. “DeSantis wants to do vs. what he can do may come into conflict” – You never hear that coming from a blue state, those governors just do with no opposition, and any opposition is instantly squelched.

    Frickin JB Prickster rose from his throne a couple days ago, sending measurable tremors throughout the state, and struck down with an iron fist mandating all children in Illinois schools “MUST WEAR MAAASKKK! Bahhhhh aaah ahhh!!!” NOT A FUCKING PEEP of opposition. This place SUUUUCKS.

  2. For every student that transfers to another school via vouchers, he should pull state funds from the losing school to give to the gaining school.
    That’s one of the two biggest ways to get someone’s attention. Money. Sock ’em in the wallet. Make the piggybank squeal.
    (The other way to get someone’s attention is to take away their time)

  3. @ President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight AUGUST 7, 2021 AT 9:36 AM

    I’m under the impression that that’s what vouchers are about.

    Giving the parent control over who gets the state money would be a way to look at it.

  4. Hillsborough County (Tampa) school board will vote Monday on whether to mandate masks until early September. Idiot leftists with retardedly meaningless gestures.

    Meanwhile, Florida AG secretary who wants to be the Democratic run for governor, is trying to do an end-run around DeSantis and seek help from Biden.

  5. Districts resisting DeSantis better be damn careful, as the law now says students can be opted out by parents and receive what’s called The Hope scholarship to go elsewhere, which will cost districts a ton of money per student.

  6. Any student who transfers away from a school, that school loses the money that kid would have brought from the Fed…more so if sp. ed. That’s the way it’s always been. That’s why Count Week attendance is so terrifying early in the year…that determines a building’s funding for the rest of the year.

  7. Watching a news conference from a day or two ago. The superintendent admits that because the Tampa school district is already on financial watch with the state, they cannot afford to lose the money if any students transfers away. So if the leftist droids on the board vote to mandate masks, a ton of PO’d parents are going to claim the scholarship, pull their kids, and possibly break the district for good.

  8. Grool: “Meanwhile, Florida AG secretary who wants to be the Democratic run for governor, is trying to do an end-run around DeSantis and seek help from Biden”.

    She’s is 4th place in a 3 person race. Even Charlie CrispPants is polling ahead of her. The only name recognition she gets is from plastering her pic on every gas pump in FL…and boy is that wrong marketing ploy!

  9. Correction….reports aren’t quite clear but it looks like parents can claim the scholarship IF a school singles out/discriminates against their kid on the basis of not wearing a mask, not just because they’re mandated by the board.

    Anyway, DeSantis said districts cannot mandate masks in any case so we’ll see what the leftists do on Monday.

  10. Superintendent clarified the state law. A district can mandate masks if it wants BUT it has to allow parents an opt-out form, which kind of defeats the point of a mandate. The option of getting your state funding pulled for mandating masks has yet to be mentioned.

    I don’t know if anybody else cares about this issue down here but it’s amazing how stupid this is getting, fast.

  11. Holy cow.

    A reporter actually asked the right question: does a student with no mask have to feel specifically discriminated against by someone on staff or other students? Or can a district’s mask policy itself be reason for a parent to pull their kid?

    The superintendent wasn’t happy but he admitted yes, the policy alone could be enough to trigger it, if it makes them uncomfortable.


    This is truly a nightmare scenario for any district in Florida that tells kids they have to wear masks, even with an opt-out.

  12. Al, true true!

    This one rates an Oh Shit…

    Another reporter asked if parents would have to document or otherwise prove their claim. The super shrugged and basically said, Not really, we’ll just start the transfer process.


    This is the ultimate nightmare scenario for any district already walking the financial tightrope but wants to play chicken with DiSantis. If the board votes to mandate masks on Monday, they are cutting the throat of this entire (already broke) district because DeSantis won’t blink.

  13. grool-
    I lived in Hillsborough County for 15 years, had four kids in school there at one time or another. Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties are the pits politically. If I ever move back to Florida it will be in the panhandle.


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