Ron DeSantis Unveils Sweeping Statewide Effort to Address Chinese, Foreign Influence – IOTW Report

Ron DeSantis Unveils Sweeping Statewide Effort to Address Chinese, Foreign Influence


Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) on Monday unveiled a sweeping effort to address Chinese influence in the state, calling the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) attempts to influence domestic and international affairs “one of the most pervasive threats to American Security and property.”

“For the last decade, the Communist Party of China has been meticulous and deliberate in their infiltration across the globe,” DeSantis said, explaining the CCP’s long-term goals and interests “are antithetical to the basic tenets of the American Republic.”

The CCP, DeSantis said, has made a mission of their global expansion of power to steal intellectual property from businesses, government, and academic institutions “all to further fuel their global objectives.” He then stressed the importance of providing strategic safeguards addressing concerns of the CCP, and other foreign powers, influencing the government, as well as academia and the economy.

That starts with what DeSantis described as one of the CCP’s “primary targets”: The education system. He briefly touched on the Chinese theft of American research, adding that the U.S. must “eliminate any tolerance of clandestine foreign influence in our schools.” more

6 Comments on Ron DeSantis Unveils Sweeping Statewide Effort to Address Chinese, Foreign Influence

  1. The Trump admin instituted NIST 171. Cyber Security protocol for Fed Contractors. It’s brutal. Very good but brutal. We probably have 200 man hours into spec and compliance. Let’s see what the communists do with that. If someone backs off that spec, the enemy is inside the gate.

  2. That wonderful man is taking on China, Big Tech, the MSM, the biden* administration, Covid-19, Red tide, illegals, unruly Florida man, BLM, that douche who dresses as the grim reaper, democrats, jellyfish, antifa, and worst of all A BUNCH OF FUCKING NEW YORKERS INVADING THE STATE!

    Kicking ass and taking fucking names!

    God bless him!

  3. Brad: Years ago I received a request for a bid that ran 50 pages that we had to read and certify with a bunch of stuff we had to fill out to to show that we did not deal with the Apartheid South African government. The item on the bid would have cost about $200. I passed on it, as did everyone else I knew of. At least protecting the country is worth it.

    That was about the time of the $200 hammers and toilet seats. People may have bitched and screamed about such things but I knew why those things cost what they did.

  4. RadioMattM
    It’s a ten paged cert now that you need to turn in at the beginning of the year. And every time you turn in an electronic quote there’s a little box to check. Bidens got those military quotes up about 100%. In 6 weeks. Amazing shit.

  5. As far as I can tell, this is the result of a massive data theft program involving Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa. They were entwined with the CCP “Thousand Talents” program which involved massive money payouts to research scientists, physicians, and their families. There was a huge housecleaning in the Center administration. Unsure if any charges were filed but it was a blatant bribery scheme. Infuriating for a Florida State sponsored institution. This was about a year ago when it happened. Of course, the new CEO of Moffitt is Chinese. Go figure.

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