Ron Estes (R) wins House seat in Kansas special election – IOTW Report

Ron Estes (R) wins House seat in Kansas special election


WATimes:Republican Ron Estes emerged victorious Tuesday in the special election to fill Kansas’ empty seat in Congress, dispelling fears that the first major race of the election cycle could end with Democrats flipping control of a seat that the GOP has held for over two decades.

Nearly three hours after the polls closed, the Associated Press called the race for Mr. Estes, who had the backing of President Trump.

With all of the 620 counties counted, Mr. Estes scored a 53 percent to 46 percent win over Democrat James Thompson, a civil rights attorney who supported Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in the 2016 presidential primary. Libertarian Chris Rockhold captured 2 percent of the vote.

“By electing Ron Estes, Kansas rejected the far-left policies of liberal activists and voted to keep delivering on the promises we made to the American people,” said Steve Stivers, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, the campaign arm of House Republicans.  read more

12 Comments on Ron Estes (R) wins House seat in Kansas special election

  1. Thanks to a bunch of vanity candidate Republicans in GA, we’ll probably have to defeat Jon Ossoff in a runoff. Why can’t the GOP put a cap on the number of candidates like the Dems? It’s almost like the GOP wants to give the seat away.

    Anyhow, I can’t wait to listen to Rush. This win in KS will put a little spring in his step today.

  2. Good. They were treating this as the election of the century. If the Dem won suddenly Trump would be done, everyone learned their lesson, he is a lame duck or whatever. Now they’ll have to stay on the Spicer story and hope they can keep their insane base riled up for the next election.

  3. I live in the 6th District and there are Jon Ossoff signs everywhere. I am mostly freaking out that there are so many idiots living around me. This used to be a pretty safe district for conservatives.

  4. The-MaMomma, I have tken down several Ossoff signs on school property and in the common area at the front of my subdivision. The 6th is getting more to the left, it is true, but the Ossoff signs look like astroturfing, as most of them are in public right-of-ways, not in yards. I don’t think our district is going hand a seat to a swamp-raised, pencil-necked carpetbagger whelp like Ossoff.

  5. The media wanted so much to report that the Republicans were losing their clout. They can’t stop crying and whining. Say, what happened to that Russian story about helping Trump win the election? That disappeared too. Their narrative no longer works. Gloat!

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