Ron Johnson: Congressional exposure of Bidens’ ‘foreign entanglements’ neutralized blackmail risk – IOTW Report

Ron Johnson: Congressional exposure of Bidens’ ‘foreign entanglements’ neutralized blackmail risk

“I don’t know what else is lurking out there though,” the senator noted.

15 Comments on Ron Johnson: Congressional exposure of Bidens’ ‘foreign entanglements’ neutralized blackmail risk

  1. Is this like Comey detailing Hillary’s violations of USC 18 so she was immune from prosecution?

    Joe acted stupidly?

    If they’re idiots and break the law, they get a pass? Seems most of the meth addicts around here are idiots and those fuckers get convicted every day court is in session.

    Rule of law is a funny thing today, yes?

  2. ““I don’t know what else is lurking out there though,”

    He should just ask us. It’s easy to tell which law makers are compromised. They make under 200K a year. If their net worth is over 1 million, shoot them.

  3. Having something else “Lurking out there somewhere” is a genuine concern, but it really makes no difference. Whether he is a bought lackey serving up his country to his foreign employers, or whether his globalist predilections require a US weakening to balance out the new world order, it’s all the same, US power and influence is weakened for the good of the cause.

    Of course, never having an original thought in his life, this is just a continuation of The Obama Apology Tour, that America is arrogant and not any more exceptional than any other nation.

  4. So how come three years of Mueller and the Shiff show didn’t neutralize Trump’s “blackmail” risk? They’re STILL looking for the hidden hand of Putin as they kick Trump to the curb, and they haven’t got a shred of evidence to this day. Damn these cretins all to Hell.

  5. “Ha ha ha ain’t he cute?!
    Yeah, our “President-elect” is a mouthbreathing idiot and the most corrupt politician … but wacha gonna do ?
    Am I right?! “


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