Ronald Reagan on Johnny Carson 1975 – IOTW Report

Ronald Reagan on Johnny Carson 1975

Ronald Reagan Interview on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson – 01/03/1975 – Part 02

10 Comments on Ronald Reagan on Johnny Carson 1975

  1. Disclaimer:

    Was a Ronny D 70 years ago; voted Ronny 9 times; biased I am.

    Ronny first said “Gov can never solve any problem .. GOV IS THE PROBLEM!” as a D, union president in 1947. Probably for the umpteenth time he says it here.

    The most famous, by far, was his 1982 SotU address. Ronny was right in ’47, right here, and right in ’82.

    Were he alive he’d be right today. Government makes problems, does not solve any!

    GWB’s 2002 “Common Core” is a good example of what I just said!

    Dod was by far the best President since
    Ron; but Ronny was better.

  2. Watt and Hu plus all the other names just made the Abbot and Costello routine work, but Johnny was actually funny. Leno did okay but late night died with Johnny Carson.

  3. Mr. Reagan was a good man & good president. My fraternal grandfather loved Johnny Carson & Ronald Reagan, as well. I used to love staying at my grandparents house because granddad let me stay up late with him to watch Johnny. I miss the good old days, when comedy was funny & we had a real president.

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