Ronna McDaniel finally gets the pushback and criticism she so richly deserves – IOTW Report

Ronna McDaniel finally gets the pushback and criticism she so richly deserves

BLP: Trump Attorney Jenna Ellis Exposes RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel for Subverting Fight Against Voter Fraud.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel is finally being chastised publicly for her role in denying voter fraud and holding up the fight for the election. Trump attorney Jenna Ellis, who led the fight to stop election fraud, blasted McDaniel for being a fraud denier and a hypocrite: more here

Also: Jenna Ellis quits GOP on air.

Want to see just how dirty McDaniels is? Here’s a blast from her past:

ToreSays- May 9th 2020.
GOP Chair Ronna McDaniel May Be Sabotaging The Trump Campaign And Administration.

[…] From our investigation and travels into the uncharted waters of the onion ether we discovered that the real threat may be coming from within GOP ranks. Sabotage. Why would Ronna McDaniel entrust the GOP cybersecurity in the hands of a company that has failed before, that has a head of tech whose connected to Warren Flood, Joe Biden’s former White House IT Director and may be giving backdoor access to Crowdstrike? In other words WHY would Ronna hire the firm with Brennan’s clandestine asset sitting at the top of data protection. It’s almost as if they want to get hacked or even worse….Secret Service I will tag you in here because a LHO incident isn’t something I would put past the Democrats. [More at the link]

16 Comments on Ronna McDaniel finally gets the pushback and criticism she so richly deserves

  1. Trump Won you fat ass cunt.
    I’m a dumb foreign spammer and even I know that.
    I even misspelled my name in my phony email.
    And yet I still know that TRUMP WON!!!

  2. “Also: Jenna Ellis quits GOP on air.”

    Leaving is giving up. If she has any integrity, she would stay and fight.

    The Republican Party belongs to us, not the RINOs, not the elites. I not only want my nation back, I want my party back from the lazy, greedy, traitorous false conservative that have infected our Party.

  3. I’d like to say I’m impressed with her commitment but I think Ms. Ellis has plenty of rino blood in her as well. I expect her to announce her intention to run for some office and will be expecting, and likely receiving plenty of RNC campaign support.

  4. The Globalist RINOs look guiltier all the time. Was it the GW Globalist RINOs that stole this election. The Crotch Bro MoFos who think it’s perfectly OK to send our jobs off shore so they and their pals can profit. Trump got his ass kicked by them. But Trumps a fast learner and his eyes are wide open right now. I sure hope there’s a round 2. I sure hope Trumps got a top notch security detail.

  5. The RNC collected millions that were supposed to be for Trump’s court costs and they gave him nothing.
    No one honestly expected anything less from Romney’s niece did they?

  6. She has always been a liberal BUSH REPUBLICAN. RNC making her Chair shows clearly the GOP is lead by liberal liars! As has been the case for 32 years.

    GOP for 3 years (’90 – ’92) sent me many letters asking for $. I sent back their envelope with. With this note
    “When you stop nominating anti American liberals KINDER GENTLER; I will again send you $!
    I am American, and PROUD OF IT!”

    Some libs are dumb. Those leading the GOP are very DIUMB!

  7. Rona put out a blitz money raising campaign to fight the election results of 2020. Estimates were as high as 50 million the RNC brought in from their pleas to expose the fraud. Not a dime was spent on the election fraud. She is Romney’s niece, and the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Don’t give the RNC a dime, not a dime until she is fired and the RINO’s are out. If you have a Republican candidate that you like, give directly to his campaign in small increments.Throw every piece of mail coming from RNC in the garbage, delete their emails and don’t take any 202 number that is calling you.

  8. I quit the RINO party after they screwed Trump I am no longer a member of that party I am a Trumpster and I will support Trump and the people he supports and the rest can kiss my big red hinny.I will not support that bastard Mike Pence never did like him and never quite understood why Trump picked him but he stood by Trump until it really mattered then stabbed Trump in the back.


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