Ronna McDaniel: Nikki Haley Should Drop Out – IOTW Report

Ronna McDaniel: Nikki Haley Should Drop Out

So should Ronna McDaniel. lol

Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s New Hampshire Primary coverage that former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) should drop out and support former President Donald Trump as the GOP presidential nominee.

20 Comments on Ronna McDaniel: Nikki Haley Should Drop Out

  1. ^ On the other hand, maybe even the RINO’s see the handwriting on the wall: We’re one Congressional election away from being “ungovernable” and probably irredeemable.

  2. Quite obviously, BOTH worthless, criminal major parties need to GO, once and for all. Given the current structure of the two parties at the state, local, and national level, along with the onerous ballot access laws in place in EVERY STATE, there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY to rid this nation of either one of them and replace them with something better (maybe at least one with principles or similar). Elections are NOT going to be able to fix this.

  3. Kid’s say the darnedest things.
    Little (lets call him) Johnny got caught threatening the other kindergarten children. Little Johnny with big pouty face said, From this moment on, anyone giving their lunch money to Nikki will no longer be welcomed in my MAGA sandbox, stomps his tiny feet while walking away. Well little Johnny got admonished. Had to sit in the corner with a dunce hat & a sox stuffed in that poor pouty mouth for the rest of the day babbling profusely to himself.

  4. Must mean they have plans to cancel the election or all the postal trucks are packed with ballots.
    How many jihadists have they packed into cities?
    Did they bring any of the $85 BILLION worth of equipment with them?

  5. You all beat me to it… Ronna, loser, take your own advice, let’s get new blood and get back in the habit of winning… that is… if that’s what the republicans are actually about… mmm? mmmm?

  6. I’m soooooo insure, I’m gonna (stutters) gonna bar em for life, so there. So Nikki ran with, made up t-shirts “Barred. Permanently.”
    So there,🖕🏾please sit & rotate you sad little boy.


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