Ronna Sucks. – IOTW Report

Ronna Sucks.

17 Comments on Ronna Sucks.

  1. Anyone who has Romney in their name should be bound, gagged, tossed into the bed of a Conestoga wagon drawn by very old mules and dragged out of DC to a destination very far away.

    I don’t hold any animosity towards the people of Utah, but her daddy is there. So it would be an act of kindness to reunite them.

    See how kind hearted I am?
    Can I get an AMEN? Can I get a HELL YEAH?

  2. F*CK, H*LL NO! PHenry. I don’t use profanity, dammit, and I certainly won’t use “H*LL” in a sentence. See how bad that sounds? It doesn’t even sound like me!

    Okay, maybe a little bit. How about a little, “SHIT YES!”

  3. Sure she sucks and is a very bad joke. But the GOPe put Ronna Romney in place to do nothing more than launder money and fail in elections. And fail she has – on an obamian scale.

  4. It seems like the GOP scheme for grifting is to run fo office, bring in a lot of money that gets laundered so the candidates get to keep it much of it so they make a lot of money for maybe eight months “work.” The worst that could happen for the RINOs — and us – is they get elected.

  5. Keep in mind President Trump endorsed this hulking, beast of a female Rhino/Stealth communist democrat for re-election as RNC head. Trump’s biggest weakness was in the appalling personnel choices he made when he was in the White House and here he is again picking this back stabbing loser. Makes me nervous that when he gets in he will make the same fatal mistake of surrounding himself with enemies. McDaniel is a greedy pig.

  6. I think the problem with Trump’s appointments and endorsements during his first term was that he was new in town and tried to rely on what he was told by supposed “allies.”


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